Republicans sure worry a lot about where people pee. And they call liberals “perverts”?
Sorry governor asshole!
Your wonder gay/transgender hater boy, Scalia is now DEAD!
So GET OVER IT, as Scalia use to say!!!
I guess some people are just not supposed to relieve themselves at all. Hold that pee all day… stay out of sight and out of mind. Like they don’t exist. Sorta like when some folks were denied waiting rooms and bathrooms at bus stations, getting served at lunch counters and going to see a movie … because of the melanin content of their skin.
If the governor has used a public restroom he has likely shared it with a gay person or even a transgender person. And he just didn’t notice. They were there for reason other than hitting on him.
The bathroom laws are an example of what republicans call smaller less intrusive government I suppose…
I love the way the bigots have now added locker rooms and showering to their fear mongering.
They’ll stoop to anything to destroy the people they fear.
Mr. Hutchinson should take after his role model, Orval Faubus, and shut down of Arkansas public schools to protect students from this grave threat to their freedom. Whether standing in the schoolhouse door or the bathroom-stall door, Faubus’ words are strikingly relevant (if, perhaps, for unintended reasons):
"I was not elected Governor of Arkansas to surrender all our rights as citizens to an all-powerful federal autocracy…. It is my responsibility, and it is my purpose and determination, to defend the constitutional rights of the people of Arkansas to the full extent of my ability.…
"I am fully aware of the deep concern of the parents for the continued proper education of their children, and I am fully aware of the inconvenience to the students in the interruption of the proper educational processes. To them, both parents and students, I express my sympathy and understanding.
"To the students who are concerned, I say that in the years to follow, when you have come to realize the importance of maintaining our form of government, and the importance of preserving the great freedoms and privileges which we have known, you will be happy and proud to remember that you suffered inconvenience and personal sacrifice, and thereby made a worthwhile contribution to the maintenance of our dual system of government….
"To you people in this struggle who seek to preserve our form of government, I am proud of my role as a leader in the fight. I did not seek this role. It was thrust upon me in the course of events. I did not, nor do I now, shrink from my responsibilities in what is perhaps the greatest struggle for constitutional government during this century.
“To you who oppose the great majority of Arkansas people in this fight, I urge you to think—lest in your consuming desire to gain your ends, among them the destruction of Orval Faubus, you destroy also the very principles of government that enable you and all others to live as a free people, and to rear your children under the high standards of living and freedom which prevail in this state and nation.”
OK, well, the history books don’t exactly reflect Faubus’ predictions, but this time I’m sure it’ll be different.
So what is your position on the North Carolina law that now prohibits local governments from enacting anti-discrimination ordinances?
What do you favor – local control or institutionalized discrimination?
But really, it’s nothing new.
Remember several years ago when the talk was repealing Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell?
People were freaking out about sharing showers – and foxholes – with gay soldiers.
I imagine when desegregation was being discussed, folks also talked about their fear of sharing a bathroom with blacks.
Ignore a Federal Mandate? Arkansas? Never.
Send in the Military and show what it takes to be a responsible member of the Union of 50 States. If Lyndon B. Johnson didn’t shove the Voting Rights bill down their Arkansas mouths, half of their population would be “ineligible to vote,” by Jim Crow standards.
F U Asa Hutchinson, bigot.
"The federal government is stirring the pot and meddling in the local control and administration of our schools.”
He continued: “And it better not cut off all the funding it sends us that makes those schools even remotely possible in the first place. They need to keep the government’s hands off our public schools.”
And they were the same states? Horrors!
the party of lincoln
Equality eshmality! Screw the constitution and the federal government! Only some people should have rights, not everyone! We local governors want to know what everyone’s genitals look like and where they pee!
But if Michelle tries to tell us to eat healthy I’ll scream TYRANNY!!!
I beg to differ. I think wagonmound is only an amateur asshole.
Ignorant and bigoted politicians like Asa Hutchinson are just the symptom. This is a consequence of broken families, religious fundamentalism, hateful conservative culture and human values. It is not a surprise that the Southern states that have a pervasive fundamentalist bible-based culture and a history of racism are at the epicenter of this. We have to be compassionate and empathetic on these our fellow citizens.