Discussion for article #245992
Can’t say 2 Corinthians properly, can’t figure out communion, can’t even pray properly.
Yet religious nuts endorse him for his god-fearing nature. Go figure.
That will cost Drumpf thousands of votes.
Well, shit! I forgot there was another gathering of these clowns scheduled.
Actually, that’s the one thing I’ll give him credit for. The faux sanctimony of the other candidates is revolting.
I’ll grudgingly give him credit. He isn’t doing it out of principle, though. Just tone-deafness while in the buckle of the Bible Belt.
Trumps the 5th Beatle
But if you were a good God-fearing christian, you would have had your head down too. It’s an “Emperor has no clothes” moment. Or, in the parlance of Trump supporters, a “whoever smelt it dealt it” moment.
Fuck Justice Scalia. That crypto-fascist piece of shit ought to have died and spared the Republic the misery he inflicted on it years ago. The country hasn’t “lost” anything. It’s gained a welcome respite from further instances of his “originalism” – where “original,” of course, was translated as “whatever I want it to be.”
Well … technically we did lose an asshole.
I’m going out on a limb and make a very bold guess: the ongoing “debate” is even more unwatchable than the previous ones.
(I’m not watching…).
That’s a mighty strong limb you’re out there on, ya know.
Only one one minute? If he was such a conservative hero, why not have 2 hours of silence and do us all a favor.
Yep it’s yuuuuge lol.
What a clown shown…Only the warning bell adds dignity.
yeah, yeah, whatever.
Scalia’s almost last action in life was to help block environmental action which would help make the world still EXIST for his 9 children and 28 grandchildren.
If he didn’t give a fck about them, why should we give a fck about him?
In retrospect, conservative movers and shakers may wish that moment of silent was more 2 hours of silence…
They should all be wearing bicycle horns like Clarabell.
Looks more like they’re playing soccer with a free kick coming their way. All protecting the family jewels, except Carson. I suppose he has a big belt buckle.