Discussion: GOP Cuts 'Civil Rights And Human Rights' From Senate Subcommittee Name

John Cornyn, Texan Post Turtle!

While suturing a laceration on the hand of a 70-year-old Texas rancher (whose hand had caught in a gate while working cattle), a doctor and the old man were talking about John Cornyn being in the Senate.

The old Texan said, “Well, ya know, Cornyn is a ‘post turtle’.”

Not knowing what the old man meant, the doctor asked him what a post turtle was.

The old man said, “When you’re driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that’s a post turtle.”

The old man saw a puzzled look on the doctor’s face, so he continued to explain, “You know he didn’t get there by himself, he doesn’t belong there, he doesn’t know what to do while he’s up there, and you just want to help the poor stupid guy get down.”


Might I suggest everyone mail Sen. Cornyn some white hoods and robes, as he apparently lacks the courage to just outright say he’s a racist.

To remind people she is the judge who thinks the New Deal is the “Triumph of the Socialist revolution”. Bizarre!


Of course they did… Because governing is all about managing expectations. After all… if they would have left those words in the title it would have implied that they were in favor of the concept.

Geeze, I miss Stephen Colbert.


RIGHTS under the original Constitution’s umbrella, allowed slavery to exist, DIDN’T allow women and blacks the RIGHT to VOTE. So excuse me if I doubt the intentions of this action by the Republicans, who HATE our black President and BARELY tolerate women in their presence.

As I see IT, they ARE still as incompetent as before, they’re always dismantling something, they’ve yet to create anything worthwhile. THEY NEVER WORK. They HAVE NO RESPECT for anything or anyone who is not a Republican and WHITE.


“We changed the name because the Constitution covers our most basic
rights, including civil and human rights,” Cornyn spokeswoman Megan
Mitchell told the Huffington Post. “We will focus on these rights, along
with other issues
that fall under the broader umbrella of the

To say that another way: We changed the name because nothing is more important than the Constitution and we’re going to only focus on that. Along with other “umbrella” issues, not to be confused with civil and human rights.

Way to walk it back and the walk it right out again.

And what might these non-civil and non-human umbrella issues be? CHRISTIAN and FETAL rights.


And let us not forget that they want to govern by the terms of the Original Constitution and when the founding fathers launched this country, it was perfectly alright to own slaves.

Just getting back to basics.


“…We changed the name because…”

…we have unlimited taxpayer dollars to buy all the stationary, labels, and new signs we want.

We’re Republicans. It’s our money now.


So they just remove the verbiage like in campaigns and think they can avoid the responsibility of their charge…Call the bastards…

1,866.220.0044 or 1.866.338.1015 and at their local offices…Bloody hell!

Not “the people” – the roughly half of the 36% of eligible voters who actually bothered to turn out in November. We need to get our non-voting friends and relatives (any wingnuts of our acquaintance probably do vote) to realize that they need to vote in every. single. election. And bodily drag them to the polls if necessary.

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So they changed the name. The gop has always been about ending civil rights and human rights in this country. Same fight as always. Wanna win??? vote them all out the first chance you get.


He says, the Constitution covers our most basic rights, ithe Constitution covers our most basic rights," and what he means is the horrible 2nd Amendment gives him and his kind the “right” to shoot uppity folk who demand the civil and human rights.

…and no doubt will replace it with “Religious Rights And Corporate Rights”

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It’s just so fascinating that the mere words are to them like garlic to a vampire.


I finally got beyond hate… Too much emotional energy.

I have nothing but contempt for them.

Cornyn loves the constitution all right. He especially loves the part where only white, property owning men count.

Yeah, who needs a committee that looks after our civil and human rights??
(places head in hands)


“We will focus on these rights, along with other issues that fall under the broader umbrella of the Constitution.”

Those “other issues” being?
Maybe for instance …
corporate personhood?
elimination of income tax for “job creators”?
elimination of voting rights for democrats and people of color?

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If you show up for work fewer times than the days you have off it may at some point become difficult to remember what it is you were elected to do. The last Congress scheduled 113 days total to do business for the entire year. This Congress has scheduled a few more total days to actually do stuff.

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AND women were not allowed to vote.