While I am grateful for what the Congressman did in Selma and other times during the civil rights movement, you get respect by showing respect,” Hunter said.
This right here is the root of so many a Trumpkin problem. In fact, you get respect by EARNING it. Not demanding it, not whining for it, not threatening for it. FFS.
And again … for contrast —
FOX: We have so many new faces vying for GOP leadership. So white and pure. Tommy Hunter will make a great POTUS. In the meantime, he can have a show on FOX.
"You get respect by showing respect,” Hunter said.
Which is why he called Rep. Lewis a “racist pig.”
Now let us remember that Tommy Boy is NOT a Rush-quoting, racist cracker.
Ha, I don’t know who wrote the walk back but it “ain’t” the same guy who wrote the FB messages.
They expect me to believe a man who uses the word "ain’t’ also uses the word “occur”. Yeah, right.
edited for correction by tiowally.
"He is using his fame as a way to continually divide the races and in this case standing on the very much unsubstantiated claim that the guy I voted for [Trump] is racist and only won because of Russians hacking the election—which, of course, we all know didn’t occur.”
Is it that racists are compelled to project their evils onto others? Is it some rule in the racist handbook?
Just to be clear, those were Facebook posts.
I’m sorely tempted to see exactly how stupid this cracker is by sending him a Friends Request.
Oh right, thanks. Fixed.
So says the Racist Pig.
Excellent point, but I’d take if much further then just Trump supporters, its Conservatives and Authoritarian types in general. I’ve met quite a few Conservative Christians who think this way as well. None of them understand that respect is earned.
Psychological Projection, its a very common Conservative malady.
If Mr. Hunter would remove his head from his asshole he would be able to see more clearly.
The Dixiecrats stole the election fair and square, just like they always did before the Voting Rights Act. How DARE John Lewis question the legitimacy of the election?
He attacks John Lewis because of his district lines… Lines made by Republicans and made in that way in order not to help John Lewis but to give themselves more power and doing so in a way that is racist.
If he can successfully dislodge his fat head from his puckered sphincter I promise to send him a hat.
I have liberal guilt over the fact that whenever I hear tell of some pig-fucking beer-bellied southern white cracker drawling racist white pride crap I always think of Deliverance.
If someone really wants to get down in the weeds with this cracker, try this.
"… you get respect by showing respect,” Hunter said.
Excellent news. I can disrespect this bozo with a totally clean conscience.