In another, calmer era this news story would have been of local interest only and, even then, more of personal interest to those who knew her than of political merit. Now? I do not wish the woman ill and hope she recovers but I confess to cringing a little when anything gains sympathy for a Republican candidate these days. Now that’s sad.
Sad because republicans aren’t stopping an ongoing crisis (in more ways than one) in this country.
I hope she recovers. But I also hope she begins to understand that people without health care would not get the care she will get.
If not, she can…
Could karma be making an appearance here?
Asking for a friend…
She is a candidate not a “nominee.” Who writes this stuff?
I call dibs on “Womp Womp”.
If she needs a new brain she can have half of Lewandowski’s remaining half … he wasn’t using it anyway.
People who know that, having won the nomination, she is the nominee.
Folks that believe in prayer and things happening due to god’s will are usually pretty quiet when something like this happens other than it’s a miracle she still alive. Nothing at all about god letting or causing it to happen in the first place.
Nominee: “a person who is proposed or formally entered as a candidate for an office or as the recipient of a grant or award.”
It seems she was a nominee before the primary. Now that the primary is over and she won, she is now a candidate for her party.