Discussion: GOP Candidates In Legal Trouble Borrow From Trump Playbook: Blame Obama!

If they are going to blame Obama anyway, I say let’s reelect him!


They are ALL Trumplicans now! The wages of deceit and thuggery look pretty good under a gangster president.

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Are your really going to try and convince me that what happens outside my gated community matters?

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The party of the despicables.

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Hey, let’s help them out.
Bring back
Sarah Palin for President
Everybody say it all the time everyday. lol lol lol

Perfidy and racism, a winning combination for treason.

Grimm must suffer from amnesia. When Obama came to Staten Island after Superstorm Sandy Grimm was right there at his side practically beaming. It’s quite rare for a president to visit Staten Island, the only one who previously visited was G.H.W Bush. Hillary did visit as a senate candidate and a couple of times as a senator.


Just because these losers are trying to blame their faults on Obama doesn’t mean it will work. We’ll see how many, if any, actually win their election.


Excellent observations. Thanks.

Let’s not just reelect him; let’s secede and have our own “libtard” elite country where they don’t have to be burdened by our pesky regulations, and he can be our president.

Is it just me, or do all these guys look like they should be wearing Dictator-for-Life Admiral-General uniforms in a really bad movie about banana republics (no insult intended to dictators in banana republics.)


I disagree. I find observations like this astounding.

Democrats toil endlessly to NO avail on MAJOR issues such as access to medical care, a livable wage, voting rights access, a woman’s right to choose, clean air/water, banking abuses, and judicial reform, ALL of which specifically affect WORKING people without regard to race at all!

It is bizarre to me that the depraved rapaciousness of the GOP is ignored as they seek to crush and kill poor and working class people, and is adjusted to fit the bizarre and depressing “both sidesism!” observation. Is there a secret group who advocates for these “non-identity politics” issues I am unaware of other than Democrats?


Republicans warn that they must stop those candidates in the primaries before they win their nominations and destroy their party’s chances of winning their races. But they admit that’s easier said than done.
"…if you nominate somebody who can only win a primary but cannot win a general election then you have not served the cause of winning a Republican majority,…"Sen. Jerry Moran (R-KS) told TPM. “But I think it’s very difficult for a Republican Party, an NRSC or an organization to convince voters that that view is better than their view, so voters are going to decide this.”
From what I have read about how divisive it is for the DNC to try and convince voters that they need to pick electable candidates it seems that this is a problem on both sides.

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If I had a dime for every time a Republican called me an American hating socialist too lazy to work and just wanting to live off the Government I could afford to retire as a corporate lawyer/CPA.

The point being that the one unifying force within the GOP is the hatred of all Democrats. That is it is not abortion or any economic or security or social message that holds the GOP together but the irrational hatred of other Americans. So all any Repug candidate has to do to keep the GOP base regardless of who the Repug candidate is or what he has done in the past or plans to do in the present is mention Obama or Hillary, Pelosi or Ted Kennedy for that matter and the Repug base will fall in line.


Perhaps I should have said “are perceived to have been abandoned,” but I think what I did say is accurate for a sub-set of liberals who do see virtually everything through the lens of race. I did not mean to imply that all liberals, or even most of us, see things that way.

Party of Personal Responsibility…Bwahahahahahahahahaha!

Yes, it’s all those white lie-berals who hate whites, and hate being white, and hate anyone who doesn’t hate themselves for being white.

FSM spare me from concern trolls.

Now that most of the country has forgotten Reagan, they are going to run on Obama/Clinton as long as they ran on Reagan. And, really, what else do they have to offer? Tax cuts for plutocrats?

Can American National Socialist Realism as Josh discusses ever rise to the level of Soviet Socialist Realism?

Right on. This tendency to jump on every crazy play by Republicans as Armageddon makes Democrats look as reactionary and out of touch as the GOP is.