Discussion: GOP Candidate Doubles Down On Anti-Diversity Remark: Diversity Laws Are Dangerous

Go Jeff Van Drew!!!



So he’d be just fine with no minority party representation on any legislative committees when Democrats retake the House, right?


Plenty of fine people among his supporters…


"Until the Civil War, most adult men and women were married and considered themselves a single economic and social unit who made most decisions together,”

Funny how a Jewish guy is expressing the ideal family dynamic for Evangelicals.


Lower-income women have always worked. Ask my grandmother! This man is a joke and the punchline will be delivered to Republicans in November.

Nice how he supports diversity through his palate.

Reminds me of an exchange I had at a local book club I chaired. We’d read an excellent novel about a young AA woman’s experience in the south and subsequent move to Chicago. The discussion led to talking about the dearth of diversity in our suburban area. One woman piped up; she was agitated and pouting. She just couldn’t understand a statement like that.

"Why we have people in the neighborhood from Michigan, Wisconsin and . . . "

At that point, I was spitting my coffee across the room. LOL

Grossman is pitching a low information message to a particular audience, relying on the Trumpster technique. New Jersey is my native state and if I recall, the 2nd district, that southern shore area has pockets of the KKK and white nationalists. It certainly did when I lived there.

From what I’ve read, however, Grossman’s opponent is a conservative Dem whose stands on abortion and gun control won’t endear him to liberals but gives him a decent shot with the non-crazy element. And frankly, any Dem is better than this fringe nonsense.


I realize that is a screen clip. But every time I see it, it looks like an exhibit from a natural history museum. The backdrop, the lighting and what is an oddly plastic and clay look to his complexion just sells the impression. I expect a pull back to see him discovering fire, burning the Constitution for warmth.


I think what’s best is that every other republic candidate in the country can be required to weigh in on his offensive remarks.

But wow. Not even some of his best friends, just some of his favorite restaurants.


Pandora’s Box had nothing on the box of racist, misogynistic, bigoted hate that Trump opened up. It was always there, but DAMN they’re happy to be out and free to spout their putrid bile.


Yeah, Seth, I have to agree. With those stupid diversity laws, look at all those non-Christians that are allowed in this country - and even afforded our precious right of free speech!

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No shit.

It’s been horrifyingly eye-opening.


I knew some of my cousins were in that box (a reason I don’t go to family Thanksgivings without seeing who’s going to be in town), but all these other people - jeeez.

Perhaps the mohels cut off a lot more than they were supposed to and now both of these putzes have inferiority complexes.


Seems like a reasonable explanation to me.

Forgive me if I’m wrong, because I know Judaism is at least matriarchal in the sense of you being considered Jewish if your mom is, etc. etc., but it’s not like the Jews have had a stellar history of equitable marriage relationships either. Just look at Abraham and David.

Better yet, look at Joseph…Mary was so afraid of him that she had to make up a story about magical no-sex pregnancy to avoid his wrath if she admitted it was the woodcutter’s son who delivered all of Joseph’s wood for his carpentry business. And look where THAT got us.

Abraham and David were married? Who knew?

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Bullshit from a dumbshit.

We don’t have to become Nazi Germany to avoid becoming Afghanistan.


Stop calling him a GOP Candidate.

He is a fucking NAZI CANDIDATE.

Words matter. Tell the truth.

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And THAT is how you retake control of the government.


They still exist. There is also a large Hispanic population working agriculture in the interior. Plenty of little Baptist and Nazarene churches, but I’ve also stumbled across a Buddhist Temple down there.

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Heh. I’m here to help. Speaking of, we got a donation of I.O.O.F applications from the 1940s-1960s and during the 50s and early 60s it asked if the applicant was of “White blood”. Stopped during the 60s but wasn’t there in the 40s. I guess the Civil Rights era was too much for them to bear. 23and Me would blow these racists minds!