Can’t we just strap a VR headset on the President and show movies of the Bastille Day parade? Maybe use CGI to change the Tricolour to the red white and blue? We could add an enormous crowd, too.
Every republican running for office should be asked what they consider more important- health care for poor children, or a military parade for trump.
And if they try to call it a veterans parade, it should be pointed out immediately that veterans and military groups have already gone on record saying it’s a stupid idea.
Yes, but some of those billionaires are probably going to share a fraction of that new cash with some folks who have a real bad $5000/day addiction to disingenuous political advertising.
The terrorists win if even one Republican leaves office. Why do you hate America.
In the event there’s a shortage of frogging perhaps fragging could be substituted.
Surely you jest. He’ll just order the airport closed. There is no inconvenience to great to endure to sufficiently honor Il Douche.
Maybe they will let the common folk bat at this big windbag pinata? Do you suppose it’s filled with Russian rubles?
Will the GOP Congress also approve money to fund Donald’s divorce? That is sure to be a spectacle. Much better than any royal wedding with all those “others” Rudy seemed to think have been paid off by Cohen. The procession would rival that of The Handmaidens Tale?
I suspect West Covina residents are Trump supporters, but not sure.
Maybe Sheriff Dave could lend him his uniform. Oops, too small for the Orange Dictator.
If you go to the House Armed Services Committee website first, there’s a statement that this bill is Chairman Thornberry‘s proposal - this isn’t the full committee’s bill.
There’s a link to the NDAA in the article - the parade is covered in section 1066.
The language for the parade actually appears twice in the NDAA - a general description on page 41, and a more detailed description on page 350.
Some takeaways:
Thornberry did not put money into a parade account - instead, he authorizes DoD to use part of their funding for this parade. (So some other program(s) in DoD will be the bill payers.).
On page 350, the second paragraph is more interesting- it says DoD does not have to provide other munitions, aviation platforms, motorized vehicles, operational military units or operational military vehicles for this parade if using these personnel or assets would undermine readiness.
Thanks for digging up those extra details! Sounds like an attempt to placate Il Dotard and pass the responsibility of saying “that’s a dumb thing to spend put money on” to the military.
You’re welcome! I used to dig through & summarize documents like that for a living.
I’m not impressed by Thornberry’s passing the responsibility because it puts Mattis and our military leaders between a rock and a hard place. Trump is the Commander in Chief - if he tells the military he wants lots of tanks, planes and marching soldiers, Thornberry’s fig leaf allowing DoD to limit the size of the parade to protect readiness won’t override Trump’s orders.
Having said that, I think it’s more likely we’ll have the limited parade as planned in November, Trump will then have a temper tantrum because it wasn’t sufficiently impressive, and then we’ll have Trump Parade 2.0 in 2019.
I’m hoping against hope that that’s either a perp walk or funeral cortège
Here’s hoping Il Douche gets nothing more than a “dress parade” with sidearms and a marching band. I would so love to see the look on his face…
The power of schadenfreude has utterly consumed me where that S.O.B. is concerned. I just want to watch him seethe, like he did — deliciously! — as Obama roasted him at the WHCD so many years ago. I want him to boil in his own angst for all eternity.
sigh… he really does bring out the worst angels of our nature, doesn’t he. Out foul shit-stain, out!
I absolutely agree. Ask Dem candidates as well. I want all of them on the record, publicly, for crap like this.