Discussion: GOP Bid To Paint Mark Udall As 9/11 Truther Backfires Spectacularly

Discussion for article #228239

If at first you don’t succeed, lie lie again.


Fish gotta swim, birds gotta fly, conservatives gotta lie. It is natures way.


I love the smell of GOP desperation in the morning.


Yet not a peep about how Fox News and almost every member of the GOP misrepresent Obama’s comments on a daily basis.


Funny because Noah Rothman never had any problem either intentionally taking quotes out of context or flat out lying about what someone said to suit his conservative propaganda when he was at Mediaite.


Right, because HotAir is crawling with ttruthers, so they do not, repeat, DO NOT want Udall to be seen as one of them. :slight_smile:

This is a win-win for the GOP if they play it rigth! They get to paint Udall as a truther-wanna-be turned “convenient denier of facts” to the few GOP members with a rational thought and as an outsider to the truther core of the right wing extremists…

Too much fun watching the truthers say “he ain’t one of us” and the rest of the GOP saying “oh yes he is…” !!!

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I am interested in Udall’s possibilities, as seen by those in Colorado.

How to tell if a Republican and/or Conservative is lying: "His lips are moving."


AnOTHEr LIBTard TRUthER Who CLAIMs W. ENgINEERed 9-11 SO thAT We couLD invaDE iraq TO CApture OR kiLL bIN-laDEN IN aFGHANiSTAN. w. didn’T WANT THiS wAR. he WANTED peaCE. anD THIS AfTER wE haVE yeT TO sEE oHBUMMER’S loNG-Form BiRTH cERTIFICate With THE raiSED SEAL!!!1!1!!!ONE!!!1!!!1!!


I’m sorry, but to claim that there is no evidence that explosives were placed in the towers is not true.

The gloried 9/11 commission report specifically says that they did not investigate planned demo because it was deemed implausible.

There is evidence of planned demo and it should have been investigated. The fact that it wasn’t is highly suspicious.

Al Qaeda did try and blow up a tower in the '90s, so it’s not like they didn’t try it already.

But whatever, keep your bobble heads in the sand and gobble up the government’s lies.


Gosh, I can’t help wondering who that conservative tipster might be. It would have to be someone willing to grab at any shred of potentially damaging material, no matter how thoroughly debunked outside the conservative noise machine, willing to present it and keep on flogging it for as long as it could further his scruples- and talent-free career in something he might dare to call journalism.

Desperate times bring desperate measures.

Actually, the last thing Tbaggers want to be talking about are 9/11 birthers…It will be easy to find IN context quotes said by many wingnuts…


Why would the 9/11 shills deny that the hijackers could have brought explosives on board with them? Totally plausible. However, if one does not confess complete belief and obeisance to the “official explanation” (aka, the government’s conspiracy theory) then you are branded a 9/11 truther, and a nut. I wonder why that is so?

In any event, this is a case of a GOP smear failing, and that’s something to be pleased with.

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Saa-aay. Has anyone asked You where You were in the days leading up to the attacks?
Just because it wasn’t investigated, doesn’t mean it isn’t plausible…


Smells like Fox spirit.

They did the same thing to Obama when he read a persons question back during a Town Hall Health Care debate years ago. Made it sound like Obama was making a statement, when he really was just reading a question.


There is ZERO evidence of a controlled demo. In fact, not one building demo contractor or expert IN THE WORLD thinks WTC was some kind of pre-planned controlled demo. It’s sophomoric nonsense at best, and 99.99% of engineering professionals like myself agree.

As Chomsky said, it’s amazing how a person reads an internet web page, and then becomes an “expert” on physics.

Yeah, and of course the Kenyan Birth Certificate I see posted on line is “verified” by “experts” too… (yawn).

It’s 2014. Do some research on things other than Comic Book sites, and use some common sense please.


Exactly. I could also say that since every single square mile of Iraq was not investigated and looked at, that means they had WMD!!!

These Truther’s are a joke…


It’s actually surprising that the conservative media is calling out this lie. Where were they when their side was swift-boating Kerry, or calling Obama a Kenyan Muslim terrorist?