And cue his ex boyfriend or lover outing him in 5…4…3…
It’s always the same story. These massive haters tend to be uncomfortable with their own identity. Sad, really.
Having sex with him would be a case of bestiality.
“There is no right in our Constitution to have sex with whoever or whatever you want in the privacy of your own home (or barn),” he wrote.
I thought someone slipped that in as a joke! No! He actually wrote that! OMFG.
More hilarity from the JS article:
Asked about the blog posts, Hagedorn’s campaign issued a lengthy statement from political adviser Stephan Thompson.
Thompson said Hagedorn’s personal views would not affect his actions on the high court.
“When he put on the robe, Judge Hagedorn took an oath to be impartial and apply the law on every case, and he will always be faithful to that oath and to the people he serves,” Thompson said in the statement. “He believes personal political values have no place on the Supreme Court and his job is to say what the law is, not what he thinks the law should be.”
Thompson saidthe blog items were written “long before he put on a robe and took an oath.”
Uh huh. Pull the other one.
This guy is so closet case/self-hating Christian. The pic gives it away. All he can think about is molesting boys in church and how he needs Jesus to beat it out of him…
In a statement to the newspaper, Hagedorn’s campaign said that the posts were written “long before he put on a robe and took an oath” and insisted they will not affect his decisions as a Supreme Court justice.
Complete and utter bullshit.
Hagedorn, an evangelical Christian, wrote: “The idea that homosexual behavior is different than bestiality as a constitutional matter is unjustifiable.”
He knows from first-hand experience with both.
Q: Where do they find these people??
a former legal counsel to recently ousted Gov. Scott Walker
“There is no right in our Constitution to have sex with whoever or whatever you want in the privacy of your own home (or barn),” he added, according to the Journal Sentinel.
One day, they’re bitching about Roger Stone’s very “courteously” handled arrest by the FBI and literally, the next day, they want law enforcement in all our bedrooms making sure no one is having icky sex.
I knew BH a bit when practicing law in Wisconsin and he was Walker’s counsel (which speaks volumes right there). Nice enough guy personally and not stupid. But a die hard fundamentalist who home schools his children. And very ambitious.
Republicans are mentally unwell people. Every last one of them. Brian Hagedorn is just another example. Someone so mentally unwell should be nowhere near a judgeship.
I was impressed by his yellow teeth.
The idea that homosexual behavior is different than bestiality as a constitutional matter is unjustifiable.
Was this law-school student referring to the constitution that begins with “We the people” and then fails to mention livestock?
I’ve had my fill of supposed adults who believe the U.S. Constitution consists of some evangelical comic-book version of the bible, the last half of the second amendment, and a perversion of the first amendment that acts as a free pass to say anything without suffering any negative consequences.
“Methinks the Lady doth protest too much.”
the Supreme Court striking down anti-sodomy laws was akin to legalizing bestiality
As a heterosexual jurist, it’s only natural for him to try and understand what he doesn’t know with the things he’s experienced.
In my view he’s a little green in terms of actual law practice to be on the Supreme Court.
‘In one, written after the Supreme Court struck down a Texas anti-sodomy law as unconstitutional, Hagedorn, an evangelical Christian, wrote: “The idea that homosexual behavior is different than bestiality as a constitutional matter is unjustifiable.”’
Has anyone considered the possibility that he is arguing in favor of beastiality here? The conclusion does follow after all.
As the First Lady put it: “Be beast.”