Discussion: Glenn Beck Films Humiliating Video Of Himself Rubbing Face In Cheetos (VIDEO)

God, I remember that thing. Teabaggers thought it was hysterical.

Well, there was lots of hysteria involved.

What if Cheetos are to Glenn what liquid metal is to T-1000s???

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One of the main reasons why they’ve never been able to create a Comedy Central type of station for conservatives although they’ve tried in the past. Their version of humor is extremely mean, pointless and empty.


Glenn. Cheetos are awesome and all, but they aren’t REAL gold.


OK, then explain the success of Adam Sandler…hmmmm…cat got your tongue???

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I was thinkin’ the gooey cheetos are glue to hold his skin on so as to hide his reptilioid features.

Maybe it’s like a gay porn scene reenactment?..not that there’s anything wrong with that…

Do you have trouble staying on your diet? Tempted to snack between meals? Find it hard to decline a second helping?

Glenn Beck is here to help.

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Glenn Beck tries to recapture the magic as his Blaze empire crumbles like Cheeto dust.


Glenn barfin Beck


Any filming of Glenn Beck rubbing himself should be quarantined then burned. Brain bleach!


This reminds me of the vulnerability of Smaug, the dragon in the Hobbit. Bilbo noticed the soft spot on his jewel-encrusted underbelly:

Smaug lay, with wings folded like an immeasurable bat, turned partly on one side, so that the hobbit could see his underparts and his long pale belly crusted with gems and fragments of gold … Old fool! Why there is a large patch in the hollow of his left breast as bare as a snail out of its shell!"

Perhaps someone could deal with Desolation of Beck as they dealt with the Desolation of Smaug. Figuratively, of course.

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This is Glenn’s ticket to Kolob.

Glenn Beck should be the GOP’s presidential nominee in 2020 (if Sarah isn’t available.)

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Naturally, they credit a man for this idea when it was a female comedian Tess Paras who introduced Cheetos!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xDgy37kPOZ4

It seems like they made themselves look more like John Boehner, not Donald Trump.

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Fail…if you really want to lampoon Trump, you’ve got to start with the hair. I don’t know if you put Cheetos or something else, but it’s got to start with that flaming orange crown of his.

I know, maybe Beck ought to set his head on fire…that would be Trump-like.

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I’m not sure it would really be Trump-like, but it’s still a good idea.



To make some vaguely anti-Donald Trump point, the conservative pundit rounded up some friends to completely and utterly humiliate themselves in front of the whole internet on Friday.

While donning swim goggles, Beck wondered aloud whether “If you stuck your face in Cheetos, you would look like Donald Trump in the end.”

To be fair, Beck covered in Cheetos really does look like Donald Trump. The resemblance is uncanny! Take a look at the photograph accompanying this article:


Instead of mocking Beck, perhaps we should congratulate him for successfully making a visual point we can all agree on.

3:49 of time that you’ll never get back, is what.