I could see the scenario where these “hookers” where there only to put the “hook” on Demented Donald for blackmail. They were hookers of a different kind, of a 21st Century profession.
He always cheats his contractors. “Job wasn’t satisfactory!”
Highly agree with this. Well planned, well executed, quiet enough to not be immediately understood. And since the event, there has been a constant stream of chatter that attempts to shore up and create FUD over what we witnessed.
I been trained not to believe this.
Dan Baquet says everything is perfect and you’re just mad because they’re so fair.
Exploited for Greed (right wing media industrial complex)
The MediaWhores will desperately try to pooh-pooh all of this because it all just exposes their “accessory after the fact” role in the greatest theft in American history. Oh sure, expect to see a few pieces that will go far on looking like a mea culpa (think the years-later “I-guess-I-was-wrong-about-invading-Iraq-but-I-meant-well-and-it-wasn’t-that-bad” blog posts) but overall, they will deny it all to the grave.
I don’t know whom to believe entirely or halfway or at all, of course. Just a country boy really. But the closer people are to the real spooks, the surer they seem to be this was always for real. You were hearing that before the election. FYI “SIGINT” is signals intelligence: information collected from electronic communications and so forth. Democracy may die in darkness but it may well have been getting protected there all this time as well. Gotta be patient and do what you can in your own world.
For months, I've gone as far here as I could while protecting still-serving IC friends. SIGINT has Team Trump cold....just like I told you.
— John Schindler (@20committee) September 18, 2017
I suppose that when the MediaWhores are at a loss to describe properly the Commie GOP as a white supremacist, corrupt and incompetent party, the narrative is that Dems are “in disarray” or like partisans in the forest when they are the goddamn majority.
hahahahaha you’re welcome.
We are the goddamn majority even if Soros is paying us to be. hahahahahahahahahaha
That still gives me goosebumps.
Another thought-provoking piece by Sam Thielman. Very nice to see this caliber of workmanship at TPM.
“Neca eos omnes. Deus suos agnoscet.”
Thanks for this, mattinpa. I have been feeling down about the bald faced corruption being embraced by the Republican party. It has got to the point where they don’t even try to hide it anymore. Sometimes it feels hopeless. Thank you for reminding me it isn’t hopeless.
I´ve had my beefs with Litchblau. But can you tell me what the difference is between your ad hominem against him and Trump´s attack on, say Jim Acosta of CNN? Aren´t you basically calling Lichtblau´s reporting ¨fake news¨?
I’ll go with “dumb and dumber.”
The White House released a statement dismissing that back in January:
“President Trump does not struggle from a recurring and well-known prostitution addiction.
Nor is there any truth to the pervasive rumors that he regularly pays underage girls to ‘lather his weave’.
Furthermore, it is patently false that he once beat to death a Cub Scout troop while huffing ether.
And he categorically denies ever paying Russians to urinate on him. All three times.”
Man, and just this morning we were talking about how no one examines whether the obligatory “still largely unsubstantiated” incantation is actually true . . .
If you’re going to be a gadfly, first learn how to bite.
Hey, Khyber, Cub Scouts come in “Packs”, not “Troops”. Just saying.