What is black is white, up is down…
In this context it means a great deal, as he has been lying to his followers for 2 years about any existing business relationship with Russia.
Whompity whompity whomp whomp —
It is like Giulliani’s idea of a defense is, “Trump always lies in business deals, so this signed business deal means nothing.” Might work.
They stop caring about journalism a while ago…
the letter is “bullshit because it didn’t go anywhere.”
I’m sure they’d accept that excuse in other contexts:
Yes, I did take a shot at the President, but it missed. I have no idea why you are upset. This is a witch hunt.
Maybe one more step for him to scream as he is being dragged out of the court room:
It’s a crime but it’s like jaywalking, everyone does it.
- Isn’t “crime” just a social construct?
This orange jumpsuit is not flattering.
What legal profession? This is just a bullshitter bullshitting. It’s normal.
As long as any (or all) of the below is a fact
(a) Drumpf is not incarcerated
(b) Drumpf is still alive
© Chuck Todd is still employed
Rudy will continue to make these kinds of patently false statements
Where have I seen this line of thought before…
Oh, Yes.
I disliked this when he was mayor of NYC, now I flat out loathe him.
I wish there was a way to shut him the f**k up or for the media to stop printing his endless LIES. Jesus…
The main deal was election assistance from the Russians in exchange for lifting sanctions on them. There were side deals to sweeten the main one like there are in most big deals. One of those was financing for Trump Moscow as soon a banking sanctions were lifted. The money to build the tower was locked down by sanctions. So no contract or ground breaking was possible. The entire deal was on hold, not dead, until those sanctions could be lifted. Unfortunately for Trump the plan was exposed by the media and as time went on it became increasingly more difficult to spin sanctions relief. Eventually it was abandoned and Trump Tower along with it. The reason there’s no gold tower in Moscow is there was no money to pay for it. The project wasn’t abandoned by a principled Trump because he entered the public sphere. It was spiked until Trump could deliver and he never did.
That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.
And, where would Rudy be today if he had not run his mouth yesterday? Of late you can ask that about him for most of the days that go by.
I worked in city planning. Bullshit was, and probably still is, a term we stuck on the majority of proposals we got from developers.
You forgot step 7:
It’s a serious crime but nobody was murdered
I’m waiting for step 8:
Ok, someone was murdered, but they were a bad person
“No one has anything to do with Russia” . . . except for virtually all of Fat Nixon’s closest advisors.
“We have no contacts with Russia” . . . except for all of the emails, calls, and meetings.
“We have no business with Russia” . . . except for all of their financing, real estate deals, and money laundering.
“Trump never signed a letter of intent” . . . except for the letter he signed.