Discussion: Giuliani Says Trump Will Not Meet With Mueller After Sept. 1 Due To Midterms

Trump and his campaign cronies are not up for re-election in the midterms. This is a different situation than the one with Merrick Garland where a new President would be nominating future SC judges. I realize that GOPers don’t use logic, but shouldn’t we be saying this?

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It was a lot easier when he had Bernie Kerik as his wingman.

In related news, Giuliani says Trump will not meet with Mueller before September 1, due to previously scheduled “executive time”…

Yes, but he is loath to inject politics into the witch hunt ahem hoax ahem crucifixion, investigation.


How long is that in Trump rounds of golf time?

Rudy you’re taking up a lot of that couch dude. Need to do some more walking around the streets of NY and quit stopping at the deli’s!

Says the shameless scumbag who engineered, together with his cabal of loyalists at the NYC FBI office, 10 days before last Presidential Election, the release of information on what should have been a confidential investigation into Anthony Weiner’s laptop possibly containing some HRC emails with Huma Abedin. Now we get to hear daily lectures from this totally corrupt hypocrite scumbag about how the DOJ has to refrain from doing anything that might reflect negatively on traitor conspirator Donald Trump between September 1 and the Mid Term Elections.

Can’t we just have Dotard submit to a Taser, I mean Polygraph?