Discussion: Giuliani Says Trump Tower Meeting Was For 'Getting Information About Clinton'

“Truth isn’t Truth!”

From God to Rudy to the world . . . ., ugh!


My dear Mr, Giuliani,
I may only have a Masters in Law & Order, unlike you who has a law degree, but when two parties claim two different things then we turn to the reputation of each party for telling the truth. Now with one party switching stories and dodging interviews, the viewer of this legal drama tends to see who has maintained a consistent narrative through out inquiry. The viewer will also look at the behavior prior and post incident, are there supporting statements from third parties, and then there is a thing call evidence.
May I suggest Mr, Giuliani your time may be better spent brushing up on the law than making vanity appearances in the court of public opinion.


Guliani’s definitely a first-ballot dignity wraith Hall of Famer and I can’t wait to visit that septic tank of a building in the middle of a Superfund site when it’s finally built, next to the Trump Presidential Library.

With regard to the pace he’s currently on, “Truth is not the Truth” may not even make his top ten most pithy sayings. Yogi Berra, he ain’t.


Welp I suppose we could change the “swearing in” to say “I’ll lie every chance I get just like trump and nobody will give a damn.”
Which leads me to opine about Congress and their inability to extract their head outta their collective asses and save the fucking country!! by sending trump to Belleview Hospital, impeaching Pence and going from there.


Anyway it’s a pointless straw man to suggest there’s anything like a he-said-she-said in this. There’s a ton of direct evidence on what Trump said and did.


Paging Mr. Orwell, Mr. George Orwell.
There is a Mr. Giulani on line 56 with an urgent question.


Whatever respect and goodwill Giuliani may have earned during his handling post 9/11 he has flushed down the toilet. He has now made himself a laughingstock and pitiful creature.


Anyone want to guess if Giuliani could pass a lucidity test at this point?


And this is what it comes down to. Watching Giuliani’s dementia progress on national tv.

“No it isn’t truth! Truth isn’t truth!” Giuliani said, adding: “Donald Trump says I didn’t talk about Flynn with Comey. Comey says you did talk about. So tell me what the truth is!”

I think it’s past time for Rudy to get tested for dementia. I’m serious.


You know the old saying, a lie gets half way around the world before the truth…well, the truth can’t get his pants on because he’s depressed over his existential dilemma.


Is it too much to ask for someone to initiate disbarment proceedings against Screwdy?


Rudy presents the fascist version of the Wookie Defense.


Obstruction of justice apparently has a “corrupt intent” part that must be satisfied before a truly airtight conviction can be had. I am no legal eagle but is not trump saying on camera that his reason for firing Comey, stripping Brennan’s clearance and threatening the clearance of a dozen other intel people as well was to impede and/or stop the Russia Investigation? Is that not corrupt intent? Any other person with such a history of behavior and action would have long since been charged, arrested, finger printed, mug shot taken, and been on trial.


I have to give the Trump-sters some credit, they are making Nixon’s crew look like pikers in ill advised bullshit. Zeigler ain’t got anything on the fake christian fatty and Rudy the Rube.


Well… this looks to be the beginning of the end… It is quite conceivable that the McGahn leak was timed to dominate the sunday news cycles and force Trump into making unforced errors. That appears to have worked. They have gotten inside the President’s decision making loop and are forcing crises upon them at a faster pace than the President’s team can devise any type of cohesive strategy to deal with. They (whomever ‘they’ are) are capitalizing on the fact that Trump has kicked all his high IQ strategic thinkers to the curb. My guess is that this is a response to the revealed fact that Trump attempted to control the news cycle by timing the Brennan announcement to over shadow the Omarosa book tour. In itself this is not all that unusual but the actual tool that Trump used is a real threat to the way things work especially if he broadens his target list to include active players.

So… was the leak from ‘the intelligence community’ or Mueller’s office? In the long run, it really doesn’t matter.


Wasn’t the tRump Tower meeting the one that never happened that was about adoptions?


I’d bet my house it wasn’t Mueller’s office. Even if they weren’t headed by a huge book guy, they’re not going to give this administration any excuses like that.


Mueller’s office does not leak. Period. 100% its coming from their partners in the FBI/intelligence community. Trump has really declared war, and they will react in the way they know how, by undercutting his efforts to change the subject.


Tremendous performance by Giuliani. They said no one could play “lawyer with utter contempt for the law” as written, but the aging thesp from Brooklyn proves the doubters wrong!