Discussion: Giuliani Says Release Of U.S. Captives From North Korea Will Happen Thursday

Yeah, Yeah , What did he say about Stormy ?

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Rudy is making all kinds of claims I find suspect. I am beginning to think he is playing the role of ā€˜saboteurā€™ brilliantly.

My two cents.

Spanky says ā€œStay tuned!ā€ and then Rudy blows the whole plot line. That wonā€™t go well.


Thursday as in today, or as in two weeks that never appatently run?

Spanky says ā€œStay tuned!ā€ and then Rudy blows the whole plot line. That wonā€™t go well.

Iā€™m beginning to think that Rudy will be out late Friday May 4th

  1. Stealing the punch line (and the associated credit) from Donald is not done, basta !
  2. I doubt Flood and Guiliani can play well together. One appears actually competent, and the other is a complete hackā€¦

Itā€™s a flyer but Iā€™ll take some of that. Not out of the question at all.

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If true, the release of the prisoners is a wonderful gesture which the Trumpanzees are already crediting to Trumpā€™s acumen and diplomatic legerdemain. They are also implying that things like this should get him a pass on his lies and crimes.

Itā€™s like an attorney arguing: ā€œWell, my client the doctor did murder his wife and chop her body up into tiny bits and feed them to the koi. But he saved a kidā€™s life the other day owing to his skill as a surgeon. You gotta dismiss the murder charge.ā€


An Adminstration so corrupt and inept that news of the release wonā€™t fill the official 15 minutes of fame.

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Heā€™s still not going to get a Nobel Prizeā€¦

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trump to rudy: rudy, never fuck with my good time. this is about me, not you.

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Itā€™s weird. On the one hand, I want to see this whole administration and its three-hundred-some-odd GOP enablers in Congress hoisted by its collective petard, by either legal or electoral means (both would be fine, too) . . . but on the other hand, last night, while reading about Giulianiā€™s appearance on Hannity, I at first found myself half-way wishing Trump had better legal representation than he does. Thereā€™s something about witnessing all these unforced errors that makes me feel what seem like some weak twinges of sympathy.

But then I do some more self-analysis, and I realize, no, thatā€™s just good olā€™ schadenfreude.