No Giuliani was influenced by his criminal father who spent time in jail. That’s why Giuliani is a low vulgar man with daddy issues, numerous ex-wives, and criminal associations.
The more I hear the utterances of old one trick pony rudy. the more I know that he is dying for attention and has designated himself as the sacrificial repub pig this cycle! UN-electable and irrelevant but baying at the moon…Just like the comb-over trump…
What sort of people was Rudy influenced by when he was a kid? His father, who di hard time, was a leg-breaker for his mobbed-up uncle. Does that explain why he approaches a problem with the verbal equivalent of a baseball bat?
One would think that if he were not as dumb as a stump, he’d steer clear of any references to Obama’s heritage, anticipating that some liberals like us on some web chat board would point out his own Costa Nostra influences.
But no, it’s Double-Down Rudy, America’s Mayor!! Stunad!
Not only is he digging this hole deeper for himself(Giuliani)that is.These GOP wannabees tossing their hats into the ring for 2016 are also being pulled into the same hole.But no one has the guts to tell him to shut up.Popcorn down here please.
At this point, to bring a few extra pennies of ad revenue into Rupert Murdoch’s pocket.
ETA now I see the Daily News is owned by Mort Zuckerman. Whatever. In a dying industry stuff that generates clicks is going to run. The well is already poisoned, one more drop won’t make much difference.
Or, in his alter ego x-dress; why “The lady is a tramp”. Cue Frank S.
I smell Sheldon Adelson money.
I think Rudy’s just earning a paycheck.
See Wikipedia Entry: “Yellow Journalism”
Yellow journalism, or the yellow press, is a type of journalism that presents little or no legitimate well-researched news and instead uses eye-catching headlines to sell more newspapers.[1] Techniques may include exaggerations of news events, scandal-mongering, or sensationalism.[1] By extension, the term yellow journalism is used today as a pejorative to decry any journalism that treats news in an unprofessional or unethical fashion.
Sensationalism is profitable.
Look at me! Look at me!
LOOK AT ME!! Rudy screeches to empty room!
As opposed to mobsters like him (his father and uncles) or Trotsky like the original neocons? Why we need to bring back the 50s when there are so many newer, equally tired tropes, doesn’t say much for Rudy.
Giuliani has made the choice between media attention VS being taken seriously. I hope he enjoys it while it lasts which is usually not too long becuse there is no going back.
Giuliani is just another of the ‘has been’ GOP twits that can’t stand that a man of color is occupying the White House.
Serial groom and Trump humping Giuliani is actually pretty pathetic in any number of ways. He flogged 9-11 for all it was worth, though his great accomplishment there was walking through the rubble and trying to hide the FUBAR way he handled matters up to and immediately after the attack. He was soundly rejected by his own party when he made his laughable run for the presidency. President Obama handed him and his odious party their collective asses in the election. And now the attention seeking mediawhore and America’s Bald Ego’ has NOTHING of substance to get him a headline, and so he’s reduced to infantile name calling and making racist and bigoted remarks to keep some element of the spotlight on himself in a vain and futile attempt to make himself ‘relevant’ again. In reality his relevancy is only to the lowest of the low bottomfeeders who, like the curs they are, come a running when the racist dog whistle is blown.
And as for Rube Rudy’s pedigree illustrating his “love” of America, Wayne Barret nailed that perfectly. Here’s a lil’ excerpt from his NY Daily News article (Well worth a read.):
[Giuliani went so far as to rebuke the President for not being “brought up the way you were and the way I was brought up through love of this country,” a bow no doubt to the parenting prowess of Harold Giuliani, who did time in Sing Sing for holding up a Harlem milkman and was the bat-wielding enforcer for the loan-sharking operation run out of a Brooklyn bar owned by Rudy’s uncle Though Rudy cited Harold throughout his public life as his model (without revealing any of his history), he and five Rudy uncles found ways to avoid service in World War II. Harold, whose robbery conviction was in the name of an alias, made sure the draft board knew he was a felon. On the other hand, Obama’s grandfather and uncle served. His uncle helped liberate Buchenwald, which apparently affected him so deeply he stayed in the family attic for six months when he returned home.]
America’s Mayor has become just another self-destructing republican bum yelling on the sidewalks to passersby.
I suppose it will probably not astonish the reality-based community to learn that this Frank Marshall Davis doesn’t seem to have been a Communist at all.
At this point the media are like older boys sniggering while a little kid repeats dirty words without really even knowing what they mean—he just knows it makes the big kids laugh and gives him a bit of attention for a moment.
No, the market has gone up 9000 points because his grandmother was the vice president of a bank.
Rudy was raised by his gangster father and uncles. I don’t hear anybody claiming that he is in the mob?
Meeeee! Meeeeeeeee! Lookit meeeeeee! I’m still worth five figure speaking feeeeees! I’m relevant! Loookit meeeeeee!
Palin is not going to stand for having Giuliani bigfooting her turf like this for much longer. We’re going to see her reach deep into the stupidity and incoherence barrells for a topper before the end of the week.