Discussion: Giuliani Demands Cuomo Apologize For ‘Falsely Accusing’ Trump Of Collusion

Tell them Obama thinks it should be kept secret.

Might peel off more than a few votes.

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The bad third-world dictatorships are having their revenge.


Giuliani should go back to doing something he’s good at, i.e. drag. No! Wait! He’s not even good at that! He should just go into hiding and shut up.

If that’s a terrible thing to say, why am I laughing?

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What part of " report does not exonerate Trump " is Rudy struggling with…how does spinning the unspinnable benefit the President who tells demonstrable lies every day?

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It’s time to start demanding that if Trump won’t release the full Muller report, he should at least release his long-form birth certificate.


Well, you can’t forgive him if he doesn’t first do it.

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Shit, if he’d just call in to CNN and announce that, for National Security reasons, he’s opposed to that report ever being released, we’d have a copy before he could finish speaking.

If he followed that up by calling Trump the greatest president ever, McTurtle would have 100 votes for conviction before Pelosi even had a chance to bring charges.

And if he finished by announcing that he’s opposed to birth control and abortion rights, Hobby Lobby would offer while-u-wait abortions in tents in their parking lots by that afternoon.


OK, so maybe I was mistaken.

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Hey Rudy, when will you start acting like an American and defend the nation Vs defending trump?

Read this and THINK!


Take my word for it.

Republicans were the party of Russian lovers when The Rump was just a bankrupt casino wannabe.

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To call it collusion is far too impersonal. They breathe too much of the same air and have mutual thumbs in too many of the same pies.

As we know all too well, for Trump a thing isn’t real if it isn’t on TV and hasn’t got buzz. He’s been in court on one thing or another for the last 30 years. The fact that the cases grinding their way along are fatal for him doesn’t seem to register.

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If not for my age the decision to move to another country would have already been made. Yes, other nations have similar crap to ours, and a lot of research would need done. But there has to be someplace the fascists are not near a takeover like they are here. A country with good healthcare, climate, progressive, left-leaning views on education and how to treat people with respect. And no gun mania. Scandanavia comes to mind but I read a lot about their anti-immigrant, skinhead/white supremacist underbelly in some of those countries. Don’t see myself moving, but I think anyone younger than age 40 with solid employment prospects transferrable to another country should seriously consider it.


Cuomo certainly acts like someone who appreciates the ratings Trump brings to his show. And books his guests accordingly. What a tool.

As bad as things appear to be, most people are not as afraid of Fascist Donald Trump as they should be. That has been my contention ever since Super Tuesday 2016.

[We know that his followers are OK with fascism. and that’s to be expected and not inconsistent with American demographics.]

Rather, I am talking about three separate but overlapping sectors of the population (60+%).

  • People who vote Democratic

  • People who call themselves “Independents”

  • People un-engaged politically

All of these people (whether or not they are) should be quite alarmed at what is happening in the United States, and they each will come to a point in which they will (in their own way) deeply regret not feeling that fear much sooner.

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No, they don’t. That is why they are going full court press with claiming complete vindication. They want to lock that narrative in early and deep. Its being the Firstest with the Mostest strategy.

Now the longer it takes to get the full report, or hear from Mueller himself (or even a public hearing from Barr where he gets grilled), the harder its going to be to get the public at large off of that narrative. Democrats are going to look like sore losers who can’t let go of it

Politically, this is a disaster for our side. Trump will keep coming back to “total vindication/Dems are sore losers” EVERY time anything drips out or another indictment drops from one of the other ongoing investigations. Doesn’t matter if its not true…truth has been mangled early by this administration (I mean, literally the WH is claiming “full exoneration”, despite the Barr memo saying the complete opposite…and its being dutifully stenographed that way).

The only silver lining I see at this moment (and there might be more…much later), is that, true to form, the Trumpers are completely overstepping. Trump’s NPD requires he continue attacking, and therefore digging up more dirt on himself in the process. Investigate the investigators?? That’s completely insane, but Trump’s mental illness requires he do so in some twisted hunt for revenge. (That’s completely insane, because doing so REQUIRES all the details of the Mueller investigations be brought out in the open, something that a read between the lines of the Barr letter strongly indicates will be disastrous to Trump)

Because the are quite comfortable knowing they can lie their way through anything. Not just, little around the edges, lies…but complete denial of verifiable facts lies. People with NPD are well versed in gaslighting those in their immediate circles…Trump has taken it to a whole new level, and the republican party is lapping it up with glee. They’ve found a new tool that they will continue to use long after Trump.

Destroy ACA and blame Democrats for destroying ACA. Just watch, that’s where they are going next. Defund Medicare, Medicaid, SSI…while claiming they are making them even stronger. Don’t believe me? Just look at what they did with regards to their tax plan.

Its very difficult to run campaigns against people who no longer feel constrained by reality, and whose supporters aren’t either.

“Let’s debate environmental policy!”

“Banana the window, kumquat stairs a engine”

See how difficult it becomes?

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Hey, wasn’t the main focus of Mueller’s investigation supposed to be an examination of Russia’s interference with our election, and how to prevent it from recurring?

Where are we with that?

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