Rudy again demonstrates that he is now only good at one thing – Blowing Smoke!
Lies, lies, lies . . . . he is a good partner to Drumpf.
Rudy again demonstrates that he is now only good at one thing – Blowing Smoke!
Lies, lies, lies . . . . he is a good partner to Drumpf.
Ghoulsie isn’t Ghoulsie (or so say his younger relatives).
Now that’s silly. He wasn’t a candidate who later became president. Obviously Cohen was talking about Barack Obama. But you watch, the Deep State will try to make us think he meant Trump. Bastards!
one count of causing an unlawful corporate contribution “in coordination with and at the direction of” a candidate
Lemme see Rudy, Cohen was working with how many candidates?
I keep saying this, but Gramps isn’t well.
He’s not. You can’t watch him talk and think he’s of sound mind, because he’s just not.
(am I talking about DJT or Rudy?)
Right, Rudy. It was some other “candidate” … who was being represented by Cohen at the time … even though we’ve never heard of this before … and happened to have some of the same, uh, trouble with women. Coincidences happen, sure they do.
On another note, doesn’t Rudy have any family members who care enough about him to intervene? Letting him wander about like this, when he’s obviously incoherent, is getting close to elder neglect.
So was the ex-felon named Broidy…
You’re right! It’s not that simple! What if the government says he’s guilty, and the defendant says he’s guilty, how do you decide who’s—wait a minute (checks notes)—uh, actually yeah, that’s guilty.
And Rudy, with all these absurd protestations of yours, made in your capacity as Trump’s attorney, you could well be implicating yourself as being complicit in an ongoing criminal felony.
Rudy’s capacity is itself a big red flashing [Citation needed]
"It is clear that, as the prosecutor noted, Mr. Cohen’s actions reflect a pattern of lies and dishonesty over a significant period of time.”
During which Mister Cohen was a trusted confidante of Donald J Trump and followed his orders explicitly and implicitly.
The third one then in Congress, according to Slate, was…
… Jeff Sessions.
I am sure there are quite a few.
I can only hope.
As Lawrence Welk used to say, "a little background music that really sets my foot to tappin’!
or this
Remember how many Very Serious People were fretting and tutting about how oh no what if Trump just fires Mueller then everything will all be over and Donald Trump can become America God-King for Life, so let’s be all woe-is-me on the internet? And wise, sage individuals like myself said things like “I’m not sure exactly what the plan is in the event Trump moves to fire Mueller, or what it should be because I am not a lawyer, but I know there is a plan, because Robert Mueller is smart, and he knows the law, and for damn sure I bet it’s a smarter plan than whatever Bloviating Orange Dildo can come up with”
Pepperidge Farm remembers!
New title for Ghouliani:
Dubious Rudyous
Thanks TPM!
No collusion! None! THIS GUY knows about collusion!
This presents a perfect opportunity for Giuliani to employ the little-known time travel defense.