Well, I don’t know, it’s treacly, maudlin, clichéd, and makes no goddamn sense. Sounds like his output to me.
I’m sure he picked it out of the tweets his staffers write.
Hard to believe he’s too fucking lazy to write his own nonsense.
When he tweeted about “young and beautiful” lives that have been destroyed, I was hoping against all hope he was talking about the little kids forcibly taken from their parents and forced into “military camps”. But alas, no. They don’t count in Trump’s Amerikkka.
Only spoiled, rich white kids can be young and beautiful.
I heard on NPR yesterday that his staff routinely writes his tweets, diligently copying his inimitable style. So yes, he is too lazy.
Oh, you’re being unfair. You know he wrote the covfefe one at least.
“Now if you go out to the outer orbit, how do I know what’s going on?” he hedged. “But I don’t think that would matter. If there’s collusion with a guy 50 rungs down on the campaign — not that I’m saying it happened — but if it did, I don’t know what that means.”
This is why testing the indictment of a sitting president is necessary and proper in this case.
Also … investigating Russian interference into our elections was totally legitimate, proper and necessary, you un-American prick. And it was the Russians who led us to your POS client and his campaign. Go fuck yourself, Rudy.
It’s Memorial Day weekend. The men and women we honor on Memorial Day did not fight and die for the right of you, Trump and the Republicans in Congress to ruin our democracy and our country. So - and I repeat myself - go fuck yourself.
Why does the press pay any attention to this barking dog. Has he ever told the truth or made a cogent argument?
Giuliani is looking more like a Vampire Mussolini every day. Sounds just like him, too.
Projection much? Trump probably knows more than his fair share about “young and beautiful lives”, starry-eyed youths whose lives were destroyed by a sleazy predator. And I’ll bet there are tapes.
Its clear that he isn’t mentioning Caputo.
Young, beautiful, with stars in their eyes - sounds like Hope Hicks to me. Maybe she’s getting indicted.
I’d forgotten there was a woman in the mix.
As an esteemed member of the jury, please proceed.
Ha ha ha ha ha ha
The jury of voters will speak loud and clear come the midterms and then the biggie decision comes in 2020.
Stick around rudy so you can see and feel what a waste of your time with king moron was like.
[quote=“carolson, post:19, topic:72743”]
God forgive us for sending 68-year-old felon Paul Manafort to prison!!!
Rudy’s insanity aside, couldn’t CNN get Jake Tapper or someone other than Dana Bash for this interview ? Jesus, she was stuttering more than Andrea Mitchell does when caught off guard…and did a piss poor job confronting Rudy’s lies. It was actually depressing.
He is trying to turn this into a public relations battle because he has the mighty Wurlitzer in his corner against everything else. This is the Giuliani version of the old approach to a legal issue that goes if the law is on your side argue the law, if the facts are on your side argue the facts, but if neither the law nor the facts are on your side, shout and jump up and down. This is Giuliani shouting and jumping up and down. It is all he has. The President must be guilty as sin.
Ghouliani is Punkin Head’s lawyer now so chaotic sputtering is pretty much all we should expect. Hope I get picked for the jury. hahahaha
Yep you got it. I was just going to say something similar.
When you don’t have facts or law on your side throw yourself into public policy.