Discussion: Giuliani Calls For Mueller Probe To End: 'We've Tortured This President Enough'

He’s moved on to the “Collusion? So what?” defense.


Can I use that in my next film noir screenplay?

BTW, Wilmer got his.

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The Whitewater investigations lasted 5 years, turned into a complete fishing expedition that ended up so far removed from Whitewater (for which they found zero wrong doing on either Bill or Hillary’s part), and only ended because the Clinton Presidency was term limited.

This investigation is only 1 year in, has netted 4 guilty pleas already, dozens of indictments, and is still extremely narrowly focused by comparison.

Guiliani doesn’t get to say when its over. He also doesn’t get to make this call:

"and the special counsel’s office doesn’t seem to have that sort of understanding that they’re interfering with things that are much bigger than them.”

Newsflash you loathsome little toad…YOU and you syphilitic client are both extremely small pieces of shit compared to the United States of America’s institutions. You’re the ones who have no concept of what you are dealing with…you still think this is some PR game.

And Giuliani is too dumb to realize he is already road kill on the side of this particular highway. He has been kicked out of his law firm, is unemployed, and will never see a single nickel from Donald for any of this. Oh, and what little was left of his reputation will be thoroughly destroyed by the time he is fired…including with the right wingers on whose dole he was counting on to pay for his remaining years.


Here we go with the victim persona again.


Rudy is a bed bug on justice.


Do you smell that? Smells like desperation to me.

Oh, and “Giuliani, who is working for the president pro bono, said Wednesday that the probe “is not good for the American people,”

Hey, it’s very good for me. It’s searching for truth and upholding our democracy. Very good, indeed, compared to what Trump and the Republicans are doing.

Trump has a nice tweet out this morning …

Hey, Mueller, how about opening a few indictments today so we can, again, tell these two to STFU.


Spade: (to Wilmer) “C’mon. This’ll put you in solid with your boss.”
Spade: Ya, a crippled newsie took them away from him (Tossing Wimer’s guns to Gutman) I made him give 'um back."
(dedicated to John Huston, who is STILL smarter today than anyone now in the White House will be 31 years after they die)


He’ll go to his grave shrieking how maligned and misunderstood and tortured he is by this grave miscarriage of justice.

What a blithering, whiny dickhead.


Cryptkeeper says what?


Spanky is whistling walking past the graveyard, trying to ignore the stinking dark hole there with his name on it, which is getting deeper every single day.


Is he trying to do Joseph Welch at the Army-McCarthy hearings in reverse? Have you left no sense of decency, Mr. Mueller, we have tortured this lad Trump enough? And I think what’s funny about the “pro bono” part is the term implies that you’ll do somebody some good. Rudy might as well go on TV and shout a string of random words, like “watermelon” or “crankcase,” because if he had Trump would be better off. Also “pro bono” might not quite be the term when your firm has fired you and your client is a billionaire president. Might be more a case of getting what you pay for. Oh, and Rudy, good luck with that. Mueller’s not a party guest who’s stayed too late. This is serious stuff, which for you is confusing I’m sure, but it’s over when it’s over. Idiot.


We haven’t tortured this §Resident nearly enough.

By most reports, Warren Harding himself was an honest and over-trusting man who surrounded himself with crooks. Donnie Two-scoops is a dishonest, vain, and venal man even amongst crooks who has surrounded himself with crooks.

He brings shame on our nation every day he exists. As §Resident he simply has a bigger stage and more opportunity.


Whoever knew that whining was a mark of Presidential toughness?


I thought Sonny B died in a skiing accident or something? Besides, wasn’t he just a ® stick-figure Congresscritter from Palm Springs?

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[quote=“lizzymom, post:28, topic:72328”]
Giuliani is too dumb to realize he is already road kill on the side of this particular highway.

He’ll go to his grave shrieking how maligned and misunderstood and tortured he is by this grave miscarriage of justice.

What a blithering, whiny dickhead.
[/quote]Or, he’s already mapping out Rudy 2020.

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Always a possibility – he’s that delusional.

Wait, Rudy is working pro bono for alleged billionaire Trump, just like Paul Manafort did? It’s like they say on the Internet: “If you’re not paying, you are the product.”

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[quote=“mattinpa, post:31, topic:72328”]
Also “pro bono” might not quite be the term when your firm has fired you and your client is a billionaire president.
[/quote]In Rudy’s case, I think “pro bono” means “as he auditions for a show or contributor status on Fox or Sinclair.”


Not enough, Rudy. Not NEARLY enough. The “torture” he has gone through so far does not equal what even one child separated from its parents because of your racist policies has suffered.


Rudy, FYI, “low energy” is sad (or sick). Maybe don’t broadcast that on behalf of your client*.

Or do. Whatever.

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