Discussion: Giuliani Acknowledges Meeting With Ukrainian Hawking Unproven Dem Dirt

The media needs to beware and know they will be easily manipulated by Rudes, Trump, and the rest of that gangster crew. Treat them as liars first, don’t accept their words or fake investigations as newsworthy. Do not give them the ink nor the airwaves to peddle their crap. Rudy does not need to be on every Sunday show and speak unchallenged by hosts. Stop them when they lie and call them on it.


Welcome back 2016


I think if none of us ever had to see Giuliani’s face again, the world would be a much prettier place.


Naw, this time they’re doing it all out in the open.

Treason right in the public square, and just daring the rest of the government to actually enforce the law.


The question here is: Will conspiring with a foreign government become the new normal for how the privileged class keeps its wealth?

If Trump and Giuliani are allowed to get away with this it portends to a very dim future for us all.


Naw, it’s always been there (See: Epstein and the Brits, just for one example).

First time we’re getting to see it live in action, though.

They’ve always kept that stuff under wraps before.


I’ve already been peddling the big drop from there-- He used up more than his allotment of hot water for the showers once, left all his battle-buddies stuck with cold showers that day. Horrible guy.

Maybe time to add a new one-- Didn’t use turn signals when maneuvering around IEDs in the road.


And they do seem to have adopted Trump.


They see that as low risk because they control both sides - the part of the government that is conspiring with foreign nationals and the part that is charged with prosecuting them for it. A lot of these clowns support a theocracy but I don’t think they’re ready to go full Opus Dei.

Case in point, Trump’s personal lawyer, or whatever his title du jour may be, openly admits to both obstruction of justice and soliciting a thing of value from a foreign national in connection with a Federal election and lives to lie another day.


First time as farce, second time as …???

He’s like an escapee from a Doonesbury cartoon.


Rudy the Ice Man.

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Very unfair comparison for a man who struggled through high mountain passes after having been shot with an arrow.

He was a person, too, seriously think you should rethink this post.


Boy the way Glen Miller played
Songs that made the hit parade.
Guys like us we had it made,
Those were the days.
And you knew who you were then,
Girls were girls and men were men,
Mister we could use a man
Like Herbert Hoover again.
Didn’t need no welfare state,
Everybody pulled his weight.
Gee our old LaSalle ran great.
Those were the days.


Compare the lips. This is very superficial snark. I’m sure the ice man was a rugged handsome type for his time. After being frozen for 5000 he looks a lot like Rudy today.



Only my opinion, but because the 2018 midterm turnout was so very high and in response to trumPP stealing the election, I believe 2020 will see a vigorous turnout. We were complacent, but for anyone paying attention we see what happens when there is a 60% turnout and 30% vote for the favored Democratic candidate. Also there are more registered Democrats than there are registered Rs. Doesn’t mean Rs will vote for a Dem as a protest against trumPP either, so our nominee must appeal to Rs and can’t present him/herself as way to the left.


Right now, Trump and Barr are at bat.

And the Democrats are all huddled around the mound hoping that the ump doesn’t come out and break it up.

For THEM to succeed a few social structures built up over 75 years have to be significantly altered for the worse in the space of weeks and months…provided that everyone does what Trump and Barr want.

“social structures”? I was thinking FBI, Justice Dept, Treasury and “provided that everyone does what Trump and Barr want.”, CIA. But impeachment, off the table … for now … but still an option … under consideration.

I mean something more on a visceral level, that it just seems dehumanizing to take a long-dead individual and project their photo as a comparison with a current evil.

Hitler/Stalin/Mussolini comparisons are fine and apt. But this guy may have been the best of his generation.


so our nominee must appeal to Rs and can’t present him/herself as way to the left.

No disrespect, but your analysis sounds like a “running scared backing into victory” plan. Appealing to Republicans is a losing strategy. Distinguishing one’s self a Democrat is what the nominee must do, giving the voter a clear choice. And providing the voter with the ‘why’ (benefits) is how you go about it.

What you’re asking for is an indistinguishable centrist Democrat. Four more years of MAGA.

Well, point taken, but I didn’t mean it on a visceral level and on the superficial visual level it’s difficult to find an example comparable to Rudy unless you go back thousands of years and don’t use partially decomposed humans. I found a pic of a partially decomposed chimpanzee but thought that was too disrespectful to the chimp.