Discussion: Gingrich: Trump's Threat To ‘Shut Down’ Border Would ‘Truly Be A Mess’

Trump also said “we have to do something about asylum” — which his administration has attempted to do many times, often resulting in court-ordered injunctions — and that “we have to get rid of judges.”

Hey, Federalist Society! How you like him now?


And one wonders about the “oranges” of this peculiar statement. Not only is he untethered from reality – he can’t even see it from where he is.

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Yep. I notice people like Anthony Weiner, Alan Grayson, John Edwards or even decent reasonable people like John Kerry, Susan Rice etc. are very rarely called in for their views (as far as I can tell).

Yet FOX…

Obama’s economy.

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Look like Brainless Brian has egg on his face.


Do we need any further proof that the Republicans can’t control the monster they’ve created?


Ann Coulter weighs in on three…two…one…

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maybe not, somebody is holding her head under water

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ex genius mumbles what?
repeating something anyone with half a brain already knows.
Get your check newt before you leave the building then stop at the liquor store on the way home.
Phew, another great days work completed. lol

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Exactly. Why do we have to have a quote from this offensive outdated liar to anchor something almost every six-year-old could tell you?


In other brilliant Newt news elimination of EC will make Ds want to cheat so we’ll win by an even bigger popular vote. Well I think that’s the jist of newt.


In other news, Newt thinks the Green New Deal will destroy the planet because tofu.

Yeah, that’s not ominous at all.

The Republicans are mulling over using the slogan of “Keep America Great” for 2020?

Fuckers misspelled “white,” which is what they really meant.

Orange Stain said: "We have to get rid of judges.”

Gee, that almost sounds like something you’d expect to hear…

–> From somebody who fears he might soon FACE ACCOUNTABILITY from one.

Like one of those canned hams.

“I think that the consequences to the economy, to our relationship with Mexico, to millions of families would be absurd,” Gingrich said.

Sen. Chuck Grassley: “I think that the word you’re looking for is ‘idiotic.’”

Tofu made by wind turbines anyway.

When they call in Gingrich to talk some sense into you…

The father of the demise of the democratic process.

Sirens blaring The simulation has gone off the rails! Shut it down!

Glibly declared as though everything the Don has touched has not been a bloody mess…