Out of Sessions, Pence and Gingrich, the only I don’t know much about is Pence. Gingrich and Sessions are complete morons.
It doesn’t matter whom Trump picks. Remember, he could shoot someone and people would still vote for him. So he can pick Gingrich (an adulterer who helped get a pedophile become Speaker of the House after he failed with his Contract on America) or Sessions, a human colostomy bag.
GOP: No matter who Sir Trump picks as VP, it’s a win-win for a white male.
Let’s face it, these are just teaser meetings for the media, where the supplicants will be shown kissing DT’s ring (or whatever else he waves near their mouth).
He will then shock the nation by picking the Alaskan pole dancer, who, if he wins, will also become the official Oval Office cigar humidor.
So is Pence. The House wasn’t right wing enough for him so he ran for Gov. of Indiana and tried to use it as a lab for conservative policies…ala KANSAS. The people in Indiana seem to be a little smarter than Kansans and saw through him faster…
Trump had initially planned on flying out of Indiana on Tuesday, but was unable to due to mechanical issues with his plane, according to the New York Times.
Trump should be very careful. Getting trapped in Indiana drastically raises your chances of contracting an STD, becoming obese, getting addicted to opioids, finding the concept of "reading" strange and foreign and a nagging feeling wherever you live there should be a rope and a tree nearby.
Apropos of Trump and his finalist baloney whackers, Matt Yglasias has some bon mots over at Vox and the title is not what it seems. It is written with respect to Mike Pence, but is generic enough to cover all of the miscreants.
The ultimate result is legitimately bad. Congress is the most important policymaking institution in the American constitutional system. But individual members of Congress are not knowledgeable about policy and are not equipped to become knowledgeable, and becoming knowledgeable is not a good way to shift into a leadership position.
Pence may well have been dumber or more ignorant than your average member of Congress, but most fundamentally he was an integral part of a larger institutional framework that cultivates and promotes ignorance. That system, more than anything about Pence himself, is what’s really scary.
I saw some of the pictures from Indiana. It looked like Donald Tramp and Michael Pence were on a double date with the very dateable Ivanka Kushner the Two or Three.
Please let it be Gingrich. He’s done the most damage to the country and therefore deserves the humiliation more than the others.
The inmates are seizing the asylum. Theresa May just named Boris Johnson UK Foreign Secretary.
They buried the lede here.
Proposed headline: “Trump’s unlicensed death plane once again almost kills him”
Gingrich or Sessions? Yikes. I actually think my serial projectile vomits would be less severe if he picked the Klansman.
Picking Sessions IS basically picking a Klansman. And given how stupid Sessions is, and his very limited appeal to deeply red southern states, I don’t think even Trump is willing to blow the whistle that loud.
I am still guessing Christie…but with Trump, throwing a dart at a dartboard is a better analysis than trying to reason it out.
Add Pence, my state’s governing mobile vegetable, and you have the perfect trifecta of hateful ignorance the GOP represents today.
I take issue with this.
Colostomy bags have a use and some folks need them. They also keep the room from smelling like sh*t.
None of this can be said of Sessions.
This is the test of whether Trump is really running and wants the job, or whether he is only around to ratf*ck the GOP by holding up a giant mirror of their racism and hatred.
Pence is the only one that at least can appear as a serious choice.
If he picks any of the others it confirms he wants to lose.
TPM seems to have the media heather Trump catnip fetish. What next, Trump took a shit so let’s post five articles about it?
A few years back Matt Yglesias, declared him the dumbest member of congress. So yes all three are total @$$holes, but each in its own different use of the word.
To be fair… said Sh*t is probably better for VP then any of the contenders being discussed.