As Secretary of State, Clinton decisively failed to intervene militarily and keep Trump from savaging Machado’s looks and undermining her self-esteem. The parallels seem obvious, especially the one between Ansar al-Sharia and Donald Trump.
They keep saying that Hillary held her up as a ‘paragon of virtue’ like Mother Teresa and so forth. Shit, all she said was that Trump fat shamed and Latina shamed her, which they keep doing.
OT but worthy. Turtle is blaming the president for not explaining to the Senate the consequences of overriding his veto on not allowing 9/11 families to sue Saudi Arabia. and the Goops want a do over. Senator Reid was the only senator to vote not to override. Everyone else went along to get along because the families.
Newtie, Rudy and donnie belong in the same deplorable basket, a trifecta of cheating while married men. This woman finds all them as disgustingly unattractive as any horror story villain. Or is that redundant.
In other news, commodity trades on popcorn are up, as Democrats anticipate the upcoming season of “Viagra Town;” a comedy about three zany and confused cronies: Donny, Rudy and Newty, who have lost their minds.
There are some seriously dumb fucks in politics. Really amazing the country runs as well as it has and does. I’d like to think it’s only a recent development but if you ever read any history it’s pretty much always been this way.
These guys only go on Fox to say these bizarre things. Newt, for one, simply misses all of the attention. He’d never say such batsh*t crazy stuff on any REAL network.
Oh my…Oh Newtie! Go back to commenting on the ‘sanctity of marriage,’ ‘family values,’ … how you’re going to be the Mayor of Moonbase Callista! Oh gawwd’…Just STFU! and go away. Your “expiration date” has long passed.
By “New Benghazi” does he mean it’s a bullshit scandal witch-hunt that’ll just cost taxpayers millions only to find out that Hillary Clinton is cleared of all wrongdoing? Because we don’t need another one of those.
Also, how is Clinton lying [she isn’t]? This isn’t he-said she-said. Trump is on recorded video trashing Machado in exactly the manner in which Clinton accused him of doing.