Discussion: Gillum: 'I'm Not Going To Get Down In The Gutter With DeSantis And Trump'

That precludes it being Southern in any way.
The vast majority of real Southerners are friendly, generous, and pleasant ot be around—even when you disagree with them.

This doesn’t include, of course, mega-Trumpers, who have mental impediments to decent behavior.


He’s evolving…


If it was full of crabby grumpy people then it was not the south.


Yes, you cannot win a battle of going low with Trump. He has no limitations of taste, tact, class, fairness or truthfulness. You just end up losing a bit of your own soul.

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That’s OK. We too have our share of rednecks.

Dude, i could’ve said the exact same thing about Philly. At least, until i actually went there.

That’s been my experience. But it sure didn’t feel northern there, in Indiana.

I did say the same exact thing about Philly. It’s always trippy when people disagree with me about things we agree on.


I’ve been there many, many times and I can’t stand the people. The only place worse in this area is Evansville. Horrible, awful people.


“Jerksalot” would be great nickname for Trump…

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Actually, the swamp that Trump & the GOP promised to drain is now a cesspool that they are all a part of.

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I know, my photoshopping hasn’t evolved, either.

Yep, Shep Smith pushing him with “but was this racist?!”, reminding everyone that despite his occasional fits of journalism, he still works for Fox.

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Not sure I agree with this TBH, at least the sentiment.

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Shep is the best of an admittedly bad lot and I wouldn’t blame him too much here. Any reporter would ask that question, because asking provocative, “tough” questions is a big part of the job. The news is that DeSantis used a racist term, so you naturally ask if that’s how Gillum sees it. Gillum’s wisdom in sidestepping it doesn’t make the question illegitimate IMHO.

Another weird-ass Trump promise that he actually fulfilled, when he drained the swamp right into his cabinet.