This man knows how to hit back with class.
Yeah. He played that very deftly. It would demean him to get into a back-and-forth about whether it was deliberate racism. That’s a trap he wasn’t going to fall into. Everyone heard it just fine. He broadens it out to talk about divisive, derisive politics, and he’s on the high ground where you can fight better. You get into bickering with yes you did no I didn’t yes you did and it just drags you down and wastes your time. He’s not stupid and I’m sure he saw this kind of crap would be coming his way. It’s like he came up from the minors and hit a line-drive triple on his first major-league at-bat.
Gutter space is running at a premium in the GOP.
They all connect directly to the swamp…
DeSantis defended his remark by saying it’s an “old Southern expression.”
In response, someone on Twitter agreed, noting he was personally very fond of using the even older Southern aphorism “Don’t push Ron DeSantis into the wood chipper.”
That Floridiot hillbilly DeSantis must be going crackers over his redneck.
All southern expressions…
Iv’e lived in the South for 66 of my 69 years.
DeSantis is a liar—in addition to being a sheet-wearing racist.
Well, then there couldn’t possibly be any racist connotation there.
I think Gillum ought to come out and accuse DeSantis of being a rubber stamp Trump sycophant who will vote to denigrate Social Security and Medicare in order to get tax cuts for rich billionaires with accounts in the Cayman Islands (looking at you, Scotty). And, moreover, a vote for DeSantis is a vote to maintain a corrupt, antidemocratic kleptocracy.
Agreed. That’s why I think he should leave it to his white surrogates to respond to racist attacks like that. It’s pretty much what Obama did which allowed him to avoid being tagged with “playing the race card”. I also think he should specifically hand that task off to white men like an Ed Rendell type. Yes, I know everyone hates Rendell, but he looks and sounds like the kind of white guy that other white people listen to.
Well, he did tie DeSantis directly to Trump in his quote. His polling must be telling him that’s a winner for him.
Rick Stengel on MSNBC just agreed with you. He said that Gillum’s “high-road” approach (a la 2008) may be admirable and did work for the primary, but won’t be so effective in today’s political climate against a GOP opponent. He suggested that hard-hitting ads are coming - and essential.
you mean the sewer. nature doesn’t make that kind of mess.
Good point, he didn’t redeem himself with that double-down, he just dug a little deeper. This guy’s got his head buried so far up Trump’s tookus, he’s vying for space with Trump himself.
So, how do we get that on a bumpersticker?
I’ve never lived there, but I’ve spent a fair bit of time in the South and did a lot of listening while there. There’s a swathe of the public there that was present in the Eighties and can only have grown since, people who aren’t especially political, certainly not militantly liberal, but decent folks who don’t use racist language and think it’s an embarrassment and shame to the region when people do. It’s “trashy,” they’d say. They know it’s part of the culture, they’re mostly not shocked by it, they’ve seen it for centuries. But it’s not them and they don’t like it at all. If you remember the recurring theme in “To Kill a Mockingbird” in which the children of the middle-class Finch family try to figure out who’s considered “trash” and why, that’s what they’re talking about. I always thought it was interesting. I’m not a sociologist and can’t say more—it’s just a thing I noticed.
…from the PACs,maybe, not the man.
Let him stand the high ground as the PACs respond with funny insults.
When dealing with bigots, dignity is never a losing strategy, the Last Great President proved that conclusively…
Ron DeSantis’ words are burning across all of Florida into Trump supporters’ ears !
I’ve lived down south more than once, in Florida, Texas and Kansas… oh, wait…
Hell, I’ve been in Indiana and it felt south to me, man. Indianapolis contains the crabbiest, least pleasant bunch of yahoos I ever met. Everyone was grumpy there. I’m sure there were nice people I didn’t meet, but I was there a week and was glad to leave. Course I was born in Philly and never lived more than 30 miles away except in school, and people in Philly are jerks a lot too.