So start organizing buses to take the dis-enfranchised to the remaining polling places.
Don’t let the GOP bastards get away with this…
Gotta fight these Republican fuckers every single day just to maintain and enforce basic Constitutional rights. Kudos to all of those who stood up to the Randolph County vote suppressors.
Well now those black folks are just gonna go vote and they’ll ruin EVERYTHING.
I hope.
I can just imagine how this would have gone down in court:
Judge: “So you’re closing something like 90% of the polling places in your county because you say they don’t comply with the ADA?”
County Asswipe: “Yep…teehee!”
Judge: “And you were responsible for designating these polling places int he first place, correct?”
County Assipe: “Yep…teehee!”
Judge: “Are you opening new polling centers to replace the ones you are closing?”
County Asswipe: “Nope…teehee!”
Judge: “But you are empowered to open additional polling places, aren’t you?”
County Assipe: “Oh, well, hem haw hem haw dunno about that something something funding blah blah empty budget!!!”
Judge: “Isn’t the real answer…now that you’ve identified a problem with existing polling centers…to fix it by simple leaving these polling places open and then open additional polling places that would assure accessible voting for the disabled, and then make every effort to publicize where they should go?”
County Asswipe: “Uh…uh…ummmmmm…aaaahhh…ummmm…no?”
Judge: “Preliminary injunction granted. In fact, I’m also going to allow the plaintiff’s motion for the mandatory injunction ordering you to open additional polling places that ARE compliant with the ADA and to publish their availability and locations in the local newspapers no less than 3 times per week until the election. Moreover, you will post signs at all noncompliant polling places providing the same information every day they are open.”
Apparently they realized this too. Frankly, I think the ACLU should STILL go to court and seek the order I just proposed. These racist fucktards actually identified a legitimate issue that they should be forced to address.
Now, keep the Nazis in the pointed white hats away from “policing” them on Election Day.
DRAT! Foiled again!