So when is he going to be hired to work at the White House under Trump?
Behold Scalia’s replacement!
More likely Trump will pick Judge Judy for the Supreme Court, because he’s seen her show and ‘she’s very very smart’.
Or maybe Judge Reinhold. Or GTO Judge.
I think we’ve found our man for Homeland Security. Who said it would be tough to fill all those senior positions?
New head of the Justice Department’s Civil Rights Division.
Meet the new Administrator of the ATF
It’s nice to be reminded there is at least one American more odious than the guy we just elected president.
Even this piece of shit feels he can now be openly racist is his words.
“Secretary of Running Around and Pissing People Off” would be a great Cabinet gig. In a Trump administration it’ll probably require several thousand employees to support its function.
Trump said he would support the legal fees of his supporter assaulters.
So he’s graduated from picking fights with and murdering kids to bar fights. Progress!
Zimmerman, who identifies as Hispanic…
I think we should begin using “who identifies as” before every descriptor of these hypocritical dickheads. Identifies as a patriot…, identifies as a christian evangelical…, identifies as a person…
Edit: As they employ that phrase (in it’s proper usage, even) to try to delegitimize Transgender people.
Meet the new head of White House security.
Zimmerman keeps telegraphing circumstantial evidence of guilt…
He’s never stopped.
Next step, make him leave society. I’m sure there is a nice reset island waiting for him somewhere.
Not IF but WHEN. It’s just a matter of time.
Edit: inadvertent reply. Meant as stand-alone post
What’s George doing these days so that he can afford bar priced booze?