Discussion: Gates To Trump: Offered White House Position Is 'Not A Good Use Of My Time'

Throw in another $1.5 B for Jared’s 666 debacle and you got a deal.


Knowing Trump’s propensity for projection, he’ll call Gates a “fake billionaire”.


Gates To Trump: Offered White House Position Is ‘Not A Good Use Of My Time’

If only Ronny Jackson would had used the same words, he would still have a job and a reputation.At this point I do not see why would anyone want to collaborate with Trump, besides Pompeo and Nimrata, who have become favorites in wingnuttia, everybody else that has worked with Trump has taken at very least a huge reputation hit, and many criminal have ended with criminal jeopardy.


You got that right Bill…and then there is the idea of living anywhere in the proximity of Trump. It’s much better to be on the other side of the country.


The two have reportedly met three times since the 2016 election, Gates informing Trump about topics from global pandemics to vaccinations.

I’d like to think that I would have wised up after the first meeting.


If you ever do, wear a trench coat or poncho for the poo he flings at you.


I’d argue that Jim Mattis’s reputation is basically still intact, and to a lesser extent McMaster’s.

But your broader point is absolutely correct. Everything the dotard touches turns to shit. Don’t step into the West Wing without dressing like this:


Even though Trump is a fucking idiot narcissist, he IS the President of the United States.
You salute the rank, not the man.

Gates has many altruistic irons in the fire via his Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and if he can get the Orange ShitGibbon to look away from his mirror for a few moments and maybe even give him some support, he can do a lot MORE good for the world.

Gates is way too smart to ever fall for any of Hair Furor’s platitudes and has no need to bend a knee to him.
Hell, Gates has pledged to give away almost all of his fortune to fight diseases and educate the young, and has convinced a fair number of other REAL Billionaires to do the same. (and his Father is trying to get taxes RAISED on the wealthy to fund important government programs.)
Say what you will about him as a businessman, but at least he is trying to put his money to good use, and not going out and buying basketball teams or a 5th Yacht.

We need more Billionaires like him to put their money to work for the rest of us, not in service of their ego’s.


Welcome to the Kakistocracy.

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Proper response by anyone to any offer of a job in this administration, really.


Ken Ham has the proven track record in this case, some one who can bilk the government out of money to promote not only a private enterprise but a religious private enterprise should be a winner for Trump. So why hasn’t he picked up the phone?


That was also my first thought when I read that header. I don’t understand why he would be offered such a position but “rationale” is not a word in tRump’s consciousness.

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Actually Bill Gates does have a modest understanding of hard science which is light years ahead of Fat Nixon. Gates has done a fair bit of research by which I mean … reading the journals and talking to the men and women who actually do the bench top type science like I did, not that he ever spoke to me…
Then he funded an anti-malaria campaign world wide that brought sleeping nets to the poorest folk. These fine mesh nets not only keep the mosquitoes away…bit thety’re impregnated with a chemical that prevents the mosquito from reproducing… And he has funded the science behind and release of mosquitoes that lack the malaria bug and that cannot reproduce. So Gates is responsible for saving thousands of lives.
On the down side, Microsoft has an extremely poor set up for answering computer questions. You call their “help” number and you get someone in Saigon or Manila who cannot answer the question and do not have a working understanding of colloquial English. And then there’s “Cortana”, the bit of Windows 10 that’s supposed to answer all you myriad of questions with its incessant pop-up. It is the bane of my computer life. Because its now structurally built into the architecture of Windows 10 I cannot get rid of it but only partly disable it. The way I have disabled it… it now has no memory and can’t work but the goddamned pop-up still rudely interrupts me 15-20 times a day. Software isn’t known for politeness.


Do you ever slip up and call Cortana Hal?

Hal with no memory.
When the goddam pop-up appears my instinct is to fling my lap top at the nearest wall, which in the case of my home are solid adobe walls. The result would be catastrophic and expensive as I’d hafta replace my device and rebuild the contents.


Oh, please! Ken Ham is holding out for Secretary of the Navy! He’s even got his own boat!


Actually we have become the Idiocracy. What Trump needs in a WH science advisor is someone who can communicate with him on his level, say, a very patient 7th-grade science teacher.


Now, just try and put that one Windows feature out of your mind before it becomes an obsession again. Maybe you should just get a Mac, finally? : ) Anyway I’m sure Gates has absorbed a fair bit of scientific knowledge in his travels. But I still would suggest to a normal president that he doesn’t have training or experience in the field. I’m just scornful because the only reason Trump is even talking to him is his celebrity.

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He’s now the president


Why sure, Mr. President, I’d love a White House job where I would be ignored.