Discussion: Gates Attempts To Explain Fishy Invoices In Manafort Trial

needed to create or edit invoices

Yep, that always ends well…


An Alan Couture invoice was misspelled, according to Gates, who said he took down the name directly from the information Manafort sent

Here’s hoping that the prosecution has a copy of whatever Manafort sent to Gates (assuming it was in writing).


These new banks required more paperwork than the Cyprus banks…

I’m guessing these Cyprus banks were being run out of the back of a van.

This is pretty funny shit. It’s an old movie, “The Keystone Cops Get Audited.”

I don’t have anywhere near the amounts of money these two appear to have shuffled around in their worldly endeavors, nor any off shore accounts, but come on boys - you can’t use white out on a spreadsheet on the computer screen!

It just doesn’t work.

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I think I get the big big picture of this post but on several points this paragraph simply does not track:

"But Manafort either didn’t have the invoice, or the invoice listed Manafort’s name, and because the money was being sent from a company and not Manafort himself, Gates needed to create or edit invoices that included the name of the company rather than Manafort. "

Who’s on first and what inning is it?


Nah. Out of the pockets of oligarchs.


Yup. I already sent a request to Josh after reading a CNN article which included this puzzler:

“The money never actually went to the vendors, like Big Picture Solutions; instead, Gates testified that the money went to banks. Gates testified that he used information provided by Manafort to create the invoices. The purpose of this, according to Gates, was that the wire transfers would not be recorded on United States business records.”

I really don’t understand how all this works. For those of us don’t maintain offshore accounts and dozens of LLCs for the purpose of fraud, it could use a nice, simple explanation. Maybe some diagrams.


Wan’t (Isn’t) Wilbur Ross, Trump’s Secretary of Commerce, on the board of the Cyprus Bank?


Probably not.

All these Panama Papers-style tax havens are absolutely drowning in cash. Their offices are likely extremely classy, tasteful, and expensive.

What’s the point of throwing open the doors to the cream of the world’s white collar crop if you can’t wallow in some luxury?


That’ll cost you extra.


@caitlinmacneal St. Vincent and the Grenadines, both located in the Caribbean.

Minor note: “St. Vincent and the Grenadines” is one country comprising more than thirty islands.


Yes he was.

I think I finally grokked it after reading two or three times. Gates and Manafort were setting up a new shell company or the like, and wanted to wire money directly from that company to pay, say Manafort’s tailor. The point was to hide the fact that it was Manafort paying the tailor, it was being paid by Company XYZ, not him.

The new bank they were using said okay but to do that we require the invoice that the tailor sent you. We need to see the invoice that we’re paying. Gates either didn’t have the invoice from the tailor, or else did have it, but it was an invoice addressed to Paul Manafort, which would defeat the whole purpose of hiding whose money it was. So he forged invoices to make it look as if the tailor had invoiced Company XYZ.

Closest I can get anyway.


thank you for doing that. You will get to Heaven before me.

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By Jove I think you’ve got it. It had to to be B2B and not B2I.


The bank held money in the vault that belonged to other people than the defendant.
The defendant was forced to purchase a gun (legally -here’s the receipt and license your honor).
Then he drove carefully, obeying all traffic laws, to the place where the money was kept.
After going inside, he communicated to the bank employee that he wished to acquire some of the cash.
Although he had not earned, nor banked the cash in his name, the employee was persuaded to give him most of it.
As you can see, we have laid these things out in the steps in the order of which they occurred - but is this a crime? I ask you.


By Wilbur Ross

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Down by the river