Discussion: Gaming Out Whether Congress Will Buck Trump On His Emergency Declaration

Even if the Dotard later vetoes it, and it’s upheld, the Resolution passing both the Senate and the House is strong evidence to reviewing courts the Congress recognizes this isn’t an emergency. This is a compelling sign to the Supreme Court’s 5 GOP justices that they have some political cover to do the right thing and preserve the Constitution.



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" Sen. Susan Collins (R-ME), who said earlier she’d likely vote with Democrats on the measure."
“Likely”? That means “maybe” and “maybe” means “no.” Only “yes” means “yes”. And maybe not even then, when it comes from Senator “String 'em along and then betray 'em” Collins.


The one I would add to the “list” of those who are gaming this out is Grassley. If he does not stand up for the senate’s/Art. 1 powers it will really undercut his brand and spark some backlash in Iowa. This is also going to be a hard vote for Purdue (R, Ga) who is up in 2020. Using executive orders to steel money from the military for his fake wall does not exactly poll well.


Sen. Ben Sasse (R-NE) also criticized Trump’s move, though a 2020 primary threat might make him wary of voting against Trump.

This can be easily remedied for Sen. Sasse and every other vulnerable GOP senator if they band together and collectively make sure that this Dotard doesn’t survive until the next general election. They will all increase their electability if they buck t rumpp, and listen to the people who vote for them, instead.

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If this emergency declaration stands, I trust that the next D president will not hesitate to declare an entirely legitimate climate emergency. I really, really will not be happy if this turns out be one of those maneuvers that Republicans use with impunity to further their agenda but that Democrats don’t.

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Beto for Prez? Or Beto for US Senate?

He could/would beat Cornyn. Dems could retake the Senate.


This one picture is worth 1,000 things made up of letters.


I guess I’d ask what else is new. Trump will seize on any opportunity to be racist in a lame, old-world generational sort of way. He thinks it’s funny and cute.


One could argue that it began in January 2009 with McConnell’s vow to make Obama a one term president. He didn’t do it, but he did everything he could to block everything Obama tried to do. Those years led to his audacious February 2016 move.


I wish we could clone him.

I want him to run for president now for one big reason - he’ll syphon the youth vote off of Bernie. And a lot more of Bernie’s voters, I’m thinking.

On the other hand, he could beat Cornyn.

Alas I don’t know which is better.


I’m leaning Senate, because bernsuck is going to be less of a problem after actually being vetted this time.


That’s likely true about Bernie.

And I do want the Senate. I’m still poised exactly in the center of the question however. I guess for me it’s up to Beto - whatever he decides, I can see the good to it.


Exactly! None of the journalists covering the political maneuvering around Trump’s emergency declaration seem to understand this. The resolution disapproving the declaration doesn’t have to become law to stymie Trump. It just has to pass. That would put Congress on record as disputing the President’s declaration and go a long way toward convincing the courts that deference to the President’s determination is inappropriate in this situation.

As the Court in Youngstown Sheet & Tube observed the President is on his weakest ground when he stands in opposition to Congress. Trump isn’t likely to win in court no matter what Congress does. He’s even less likely to win fast enough for a win to matter. If Congress passes the resolution, however, he’s almost certain to suffer a definitive, humiliating defeat.

And Congress will pass the resolution. Upwards of a dozen GOP Senators will vote for it.


Fair point… I guess I should have said “most notably” starting in Feb 2016.

He is worse than Trump in my book as far as the negative impact of his legacy, though Trump still has time to pass him

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This is what the Republican House vote will look like:

Wonder how many of them will vote for tRump’s vanity project? You almost need your sunglasses looking at that picture. Lotta testosterone and white light emanating off that photo. It’ll damn near blind you. These guys look like the Bro-Squad. Its a pitiful sight.


Actually not seeing much testosterone myself, rather a lot of limp ones trying to convince anyone who will listen that they have more to offer than they can actually deliver.

Not that anyone’s interested from the start.


Yeah, shouldn’t have written that. More like a combination of House Representatives of QAnon and the Proud Boys, which adds up to about a teaspoon of testosterone put together. Its more like they’re compensating for something.


Maybe this is negotiable. Promise Trump a nice goose-stepping parade on July 4th in exchange for letting go of this wall thing.

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A picture is worth a thousand words - and this one tells you everything you need to know about today’s gop.
History will not be kind to these motherfuckers. Not a single one of them will uphold their sworn oath to protect the Constitution.