Discussion: From Official Account, White House Attacks Harris, Warren On Immigration

no way tRump is smart enough to include links in his tweets. Miller? What other shitbird is writing these things? ETA I see it’s the WH and not tRump’s account. SMH this shit grows tiresome.


Trump seems to be tipping his hand here… obviously he is fearing running against one of these Senators


Two strong intelligent women who do not fear Trump. :scream:
Sad :laughing:


Nobody in the WH likes uppity women. 'Specially not Spankee.

Huckster-Slanders and Con-a-minute are well practiced in grovelling. Melania flies around acting like she’s doing something and making vague, unchallenging comments or remaining stumm (mostly the latter). Princess Ivanka flutters her nails and her hair and her fake boobies, pretending to care but mostly worried about not finding matching shoes for her China-made dresses.

No room for women with minds and spines.


By the way if this feels abnormal it’s because it is. I can’t quantify it but there was a tendency not to use the institution of the White House as a vehicle for cheap, attack-ad style slurs on individuals this way. Walt Shaub, the very vocal former government ethics head, was appalled by this. Just one more way they’ve made something that once had some dignity and history into a vulgar, tacky expression of their hateful, small selves.


Criminals and animals of MS 13
Who ya going to believe me or your lying eyes.


This administration acts if ALL immigrants are criminals and treats them ALL as criminals including babies. It is a very, very small percentage who are dangerous Facts are that immigrants are consistently more law-abiding then others. But, then facts are not important to people’s prejudices. It is against international law but they don’t care. It is inhumane and they don’t care. It isn’t American kids so they don’t care. They block legal entrances for asylum seekers and they don’t care. This is not the America I know and love. If the International Court wants to charge them and bring them before a tribunal, I don’t care. They deserve it for their lawless and inhumane actions. “We are just following orders” didn’t work for Nazis or for Vietnam atrocities and it should not even be said here. Unlawful orders should not be followed, period. I learned that my first week of basic training in the Army. They didn’t even make any attempts to keep track of the children, since they didn’t see a need to be concerned about reuniting families. Shame, shame on them. Arrest this illegitimate impostor who calls himself, our President along with his henchmen and throw them in cages. It is what they deserve.


O/T but this is very worrisome


“Have you no sense of decency, sir, at long last? Have you left no sense of decency?”

Of course, Welch’s quote is not entirely apropos. There is no indication that Trump ever had a sense of decency.


This was my first thought. I think they know Kamala would destroy Trump.


Smack the dotard Trump silly, Sen Harris!

You know the boy is dumb as a sack of rocks!!

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One thing that I am not sure has really been made so clear in the US is that this situation is NOT comparable to the situation at the southern border.

The migrant problem that Merkel has is the following: the immigrants in question have already been given asylum in other EU countries such as Italy, Greece, France, etc. Horst Seehofer and the CSU say, if they already have asylum elsewhere, Germany should not allow them to move to Germany, i.e., should not allow them to pick and choose in which country they have asylum (they want to come here because the economy is much stronger than most other countries). Merkel says that there should be, under some circumstances, the ability for, say, those granted asylum in Greece to move to Germany, because Greece is still reeling under a financial crisis (remember “Grexit”??) and Germany has more money, so Germany can (indirectly) help her European partners by helping relieve the financial burden.

To repeat, the immigrants in question have already been granted asylum and are not going to be sent back to Syria or wherever.

(Bavaria is relatively wealthy and quite conservative, and shares southern borders with the countries from which the immigrants would like to switch. So it’s a bit of “not in my backyard.” What Merkel is saying is essentially the equivalent of saying, if immigrants have been granted asylum in Arizona, they should be able to opt to move to, say, California – Seehofer says, nope, they MUST stay in Arizona, period.)

Merkel has been dancing on thin ice ever since she made the original decision to let a million or so refugees in; she bungled it PR-wise and has been paying for it ever since. But that’s a longer discussion.


What does it say about president small hands that he and his entourage are shaking in their boots for fear of little kids like these.


Bavaria is full of people who never stopped being nazis, you mean? (OK, my party-member aunt died a while back, but there was a reason she moved there.)

Well…I might not go that far, but remember that Hitler came out of Austria and settled in Bavaria, so, well, perhaps.

It would be quite interesting if they tweeted something personal and despicable enough that Twitter shut down the official WH account.


Unfortunately, Republicans will use ads with Warren, Harris and other Democrats like the Mayor of New York and Cynthia Nixon calling for abolishing ICE. They will work. Fear sells. Fox and republicans are its best sales people. At the end of the day, those ads may well cost us some House seats. I wish they had said they would like to reform or restrain ICE, not abolish it.

I agree. Just no, please, no.

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Here is the BBC’s take on this:

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