Discussion: French Comedians Parody Terrified Fox News Reporters In Paris (VIDEO)



I would guess the mayor of Paris was thinking of the French courts and non Murdoch press…


They didn’t just rule that it was an Entertainment network, that was FOX’S defense! Twice! Fox said they were an entertainment network and should not be held to the standards of a news network and the courts agreed.

Furthermore Fox divided into two companies a few years ago–Fox News and Fox Entertainment. Guess where the Fox Cable News empire wound up? Yup: Fox Entertainment.


My personal no-go zones are: WV, KY (not the jelly), Pennsyltucky, TN, OH, IN, western and eastern-shore MD, southside and western VA, OH, MO, GA, SC, FL, AL, AR, MS, LA, AZ, ID, ND, SD, AK, OK, Baja OK (TX), KA, NE, and parts of WI and eastern WA, in other words, the Vulpes demographic. Did I forget anyone? Oh, a very large deposit in NJ. And sure there are pockets of teh stupid elsewhere, but sentience there generally obscures the dregs.


and all this time I thought Fox reporting was based on a fax. when did facts get involved?

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get your prayer rug and meet me in Colorado Springs for coffee and hospitality. if you have a beard, the rug is optional

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if they really want to see a true ‘no-go’ zone, try any place in Texas where the open-carry clowns show up.


I honestly couldn’t tell the difference between those two guys and the people who regularly appear on Fox.

And yet, no one called bullshit on Jindal for building a speech on this zombie lie.


Um, where’s KA? Did they sneak in a new Sharia state or something?

Brilliant. Just read where Paris is now likely suing FOX News, love it.

Yikes! Is that recent?

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He doesn’t care as long as the money comes in.

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Oo-la-la! Vous besoin etre tres afraid, mon ami…

But it’s good to know that Fox is becoming an internation Butt of Jokes!

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It is a big tent with plenty of room to roast Fox’s idiocy in different ways.

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Fox News is a no go zone.


Payback is a bitch, FOX. After a decade of mocking the French, you show that you are the pants crappers when the chips are down.

I don’t what was more humourous…the “reporters” or those graphics which FOX paranoia oh so well


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I need to translate this song into French. I think they would enjoy it.
“My Parents Think Fox News Is Real”

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