Discussion: Freedom Caucus Gives Super-Majority 'Support' But Not Endorsement Of Ryan

He should not run then. Everyone saw what happened to the last speaker. Ryan is already considered a RINO. Being speaker would end his political career, not advance it.


This is the best weaseling they can do? Pitiful. He would have to be an idiot to take the job. Note that I don’t say a power-mad idiot, because the FC is pretty clearly promising to try and unseat him the minute he steps out of their line. (And although a majority of the bugfsck crazies have said they’ll vote for him, they’ve said nothing about voting against a motion that the chair is vacant, or for a rules change. Hmm, I wonder if he could get the rules change passed with democratic votes.)

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In any imaginable context-- this is snark.



Ah, hahahahaha! Chaos reigns once again in the republi-con party. I love it!

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Republicans are getting lazy.

Conservatives need to get out there and stop giving in to the demands of people they don’t agree with.

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(Just posted this on today’s previous thread regarding this charade:)

It occurred to me this afternoon that Paul Ryan has no intention of accepting a nomination as Speaker.
My idea goes to the construct that this entire charade has been offered-up to put a temporary band-aid on the very embarrassing and public meme that House ÂŽs are in complete disarray-- unable to function as a body.

The wheels are coming off the GOP-- and RWNJ pols want to ‘paint the car’ – hoping it will look operable.
ÂŽ-Kabuki theater-- to fill as many news cycles as possible until the first government shutdown deadline-- November 4th.



Well, we don’t really need a Speaker, do we?


Reading this and other reports, the whacko 40 are going to give Ryan enough votes but not endorse him. Sounds like a trap but Ryan is not averse to traps. He ran as Mitt’s VP. Hopefully, this one will end his career as a pretend economist.


Wasn’t the teabaggers’ goal to stick a wrench into the works and grind the government to a halt? In that sense it has worked out for them.


I would NEVER call them that, but these early cosplayers do seem to like tea-bagging!

It’s a Constitutional office, and second in line to the Presidency if the President and Vice President are no longer available.

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Speaking of his Presidential aspirations, if he is worried about missing time with his family, that alone should disqualify him from the White House.


“Rep. Morgan Griffith (R-WV) stepped out of the meeting to fetch a copy of the Jefferson Manuel…”

Typical Republican–vocally against immigrants yet he keeps one hidden on Capitol Hill for when he needs him. For shame!


Don’t feel bad Rayn, they have everyone else by the balls, too.

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Well, as Paul Ryan said, “If you give a man a fish he eats for a day. Don’t feed fish”. End of quote being speaker will be the end of all The Young Gunz!

My guess is Ryan will accept the chair over the trap door. Seems that being a pretend economist pushing a failed Ayn Rand libertarian economic program is not good enough to get an “endorsement” from the whacko 40…


…and they wonder why we call them teabaggers


Well. Just saw Josh’s new blog installment. What’d be next, apparently, is to cave. Meaning the end of his political career.


The Speaker was only added to the Presidential succession after Roosevelt died. As there was no way for Truman to get a new VP before the 1948 election, the succession law was revised. The Speakership is not constitutionally in the succession, only there by statute. The Speaker could and should be removed from the succession, now that the 25th Amendment is in place.


I can’t figure out who’s Lucy and who’s Charlie Brown.