Sad and pathetic that a guy with such talent, and not just comedy, has to wade through the shit the republican party in general and Trump administration in particularly are buried so deep in, instead of working to keep America great and make it even greater…goddamn what a complete waste.
So what’s with Oliver Stone’s Putin interviews on Showtime…Stone makes an issue of poor Putie’s alleged assassination attempts, poor lamb.
So when do we hear Putin is a " person of interest" in the investigation?
There’s no doubt that Trump is a racist, based on past behavior, but I don’t know that he’s a true believer in anything other than his own magnificence. He’ll use racism when it suits his goals. Sessions and Farage, on the other hand. . .
seriously, how can there be any confidence in the chief law enforcement officer in the land who perjured himself multiple times, on paper and during sworn testimony, the hypocrisy never ends
Fun times ahead…
Time for an updated edition of Franken’s classic, “Lies and the Lying Liars Who Tell Them.”
The Trump years are gonna require several more volumes…
Just for the 1st 100 Days…
uh, well-laundered cash in bank?
Let’s see if, after a long hot summer, Trump survives the Fall ratings period…
A few years after this book came, Frank Rich released a book The Greatest Story Ever Sold: The Decline and Fall of Truth from 9/11 to Katrina
“a step-by-step chronicle of how skillfully the White House built its house of cards, and how the institutions that should have exposed these fictions, the MSM, were often left powerless by the administration’s relentless attack machine.”
Senator Franken, I say this with all sincerity…
You’re good enough, you’re smart enough, and doggone it, people like you!
Maybe, but I think, like a lot of rich folks, his real prejudice is against poor people.
They’re all clowns. Every one. Even Kushner does a great bit with a seltzer bottle and a dead fish, it’s just not legal outside NYC or we would get to see it.
To me the common denominator is obscene greed and hate.
Greed by Trump and his accomplices for wealth and power at any cost.
Hate and bitterness by Trump for any that do not prostrate themselves and worship him. Hate by his supporters for all their fears.
Oh thank God!!! I was so worried.
Oh, snap. That is just fantastic. We’re gathering all my “favorites”.
More generally, I think, yearning for a simpler world of days long gone (that may not have ever actually existed).
The modern world is confusing and scary to them. They want black and white, good guys and bad guys, America (or Britain) staying out of messy complicated international affairs unless and until it’s time to step in and declare from on high How Things Shall Be.
Unfortunately for Farange and his supporters, Queen Victoria ain’t stepping through that door. Unfortunately for Trump and his supporters, the 1950s are gone and they are not coming back.
Actually, quite a few of us made our voices heard. I am not naive or even much of an optimist (not after Nov. 2016), but I’d like to think that public support for O’Donnell made a difference.