Methinks if FOX News talking heads are unimpressed it does not bode well for Toadglans and his whitewashing crew.
So much for Easter burials.
I just caught a little news just now since I can’t even with this bullshit. But my quick takeaway is that this may have done more harm in the long run. Reactions were pretty uniform in disgust for Barr.
Could it be that this is a lie too far, even for Fox? or are the real Billionaires who run this country finally making the pivot?
Chris Wallace show occasional glimmers of journalistic integrity.
He does, however, do his best to smother those little glimmers.
“Wallace argued that Barr’s description of the report’s conclusions on the “collusion” matter was more straightforward,”
Not straightforward at all. Rather he played a shell game with the term “collusion.” He relied on the legal term “conspiracy” in talking about Wikileaks, suggesting that cooperating with their dissemination of the hacked material is not technically illegal (since they weren’t involved with the hacking). But then he glossed it with the non-legal term “collusion,” as if it had been established that the Trump campaign did not coordinate with Wikileaks. But that was not established by Mueller, evidently. Barr was obviously trying to trick us.
Aww, is Chris concerned? I’m glad that he observes the obvious every once in awhile but I’m tired of this guy acting as a fig leaf. What’s underneath is ugly and dangerous.
How many Fox news sundays was he “concerned” about the horror of death panels in the ACA? How many weeks and months did he try to terrify people that President Obama was coming after them?
Screaming innocence with redactions and delays and abuses of power and opacity is not working.
In Trump’s mind Barr has totally exonerated him, but I think the reality is different.
The tone here was so over the top and unprofessional, that he has completely, and probably permanently, shredded his reputation for everyone except the Trump base. This will make it much harder for Barr to be effective with congress and the courts going forward, and it all but ends his credibility as a defending voice. I also suspect that the rank and file of the DOJ is going to be completely demoralized and outraged at how they are being used. Barr will be their leader going forward, but they will not have his back…they’ll be looking for ways to slide a knife in.
The President may have gotten what he wanted this morning, but there will be a price for it.
I really think the original Barr letter and Trump Exoneration Tour are going to go down as huge mistakes. It wasn’t part of some coordinated campaign building up to the release of the report. It was just another Infrastructure Week that was all sizzle with no steak. Now they shot their wad and the media knows what to look for. Fool me once, won’t be fooled again.
Barr would have done best if he had waited to release his original letter last night and gave the press conference based on that. Then they could spin the media with their victory laps and demands to prosecute the prosecutors before they could read the report and win the first news cycle.
And the real problem is Trump. He’s such a simpleton he thinks the concept of strategizing beyond the moment is a trick and always needs immediate action even when it’s obviously counterproductive. That’s how he got into this mess to begin with.
Yes, this is, at best, a temporary phyrric victory for Trump.
Talking about his anger, his feeling that this was unfair and he was being — there were leaks. And really, as I say, making a case for the President.
When you hire a professional fluffer, why question when they get their hands into the work?
Barr expiates 140 mentions of WikiLeaks, scurrilous unprofessional accusations against Mueller/DOJ, copious lying about Russian contacts by all of Trump’s family and campaign aides, ad nauseum due to Snowflakey Frustration? Well, I suppose that is Barr for the course. AG for one guy, not the nation.
Time will tell, but it is most likely that the price will be first paid by many others before Trump ever personally pays it.
Chris Wallace trying to clean up his legacy.
Barr May resign. This maybe all he was hired to do.
He will hang in there to help foster his son’s career in the WH/President’s legal department.
It’s not unusual for the initial reaction on Faux to be within the bounds of reality, delivered by Wallace, Baier or Smith. Trust me, the true talking heads will have time to get their stories together and this evening will be fully on board the Orange Express.
We fail to appreciate that over the top pressers are a challenge for the propaganda crew too.
They have to take some time to figure out how to spin this one. In the mean time, gotta fill the air waves with something.
A cop arrests me for a crime I didn’t commit. I’m frustrated and angry the prosecutor insists on pursuing an investigation into something I’m innocent of. So I deliberately set upon a course of stifling, corrupting and impeding the investigation.
But I haven’t obstructed. Because I’m innocent, and understandably took all these actions out of frustration and anger.
Seems legit.