A former copywriter? Well, I guess explicit death threats are one way to grab the readers’ attention.
Tells you all you need to know about how serious some authorities take threats to providers of health care, especially women’s health care.
But none of these people are domestic terrorists, yannow…just poor misguided folk. (inserting a side eye)
I think it’s safe to say that none of that happened.
Does these mean he might have to miss the next Trump rally?
So now we know where Beej is posting!
This asshole has been making comments like this for several years.
He’ll probably get his own show on Fox eventually.
No bail. He was just let out. If he were black or muslim he would most likely be dead by now.
Being a copywriter, he has many words in his head. More than most people. Due to this, he forgot words have meaning.
It’s a burden that most don’t face. Like affluenza.
He seems nice.
It is about time…
He is NOT mentally ill and I’m tired of that being used as an excuse for white domestic terrorists.
Not okay with the judge letting this guy out so easily. He’s clearly a danger to the community. Why is he free?
There is a Planned Parenthood near my office in NYC. For the past few weeks particularly since the Colorado Springs incident there have been two police officers stationed in front of it. It’s sad that these Fox Nation trolls and those who drool at the Pavlovian Drudge siren don’t realize the cost and impact this has on a community.
Wasn’t that done in “1984?”
This is exactly what Bill Clinton and Nancy Pelosi were talking about when they chastised Rush Limbaugh and the other right-wing blatherers for their eliminationist rhetoric, as detailed in this Crooks and Liars article from 2009. Naturally, the blatherers shrugged and giggled about it then–when they weren’t accusing the other side of the same thing. And nothing changed, not even after the attempted murder of Gabrielle Giffords two years later.
Maybe this new development will put a sock in it.
StemExpress has since cut ties with Planned Parenthood.
Join us next week for another…Profile in Bravery.
Why don’t these swine sign a pact that they will refuse ANY treatment that was developed using fetal tissue. Beyond that they will refuse it to any minors under their guardianship. Out and out scum. My guess is these are the kind of half wits that complain incessantly about paying taxes to feed ‘those people’ and their families. Enjoy jail …
They do realize the impact. It thrills them.
Why are Republicans afraid to say the words Radical Christian Terrorism?
“After his arrest by a deputy U.S. marshal last Tuesday, Orton was released by the federal magistrate on an unsecured appearance bond, the Sacramento Bee reported, even though the government had requested he be held without bail.”
White privilege personified.
…unsecured appearance bond?
…do they WANT him to kill someone?
Sorry for the cynicism, but it seems more than logical. This just doesn’t add up, in anyone’s reality.