Discussion: Fox Priest: President Who Doesn't Fear 'Eternal Consequences' Is Hard To Trust

Discussion for article #235697

“It’s a belief in God. It’s a belief that there are eternal consequences for your actions.”

No, it’s a belief that John 3;16 is your Get Out Of Hell Free card, enabling you right wing freakazoids to kick poor and working people in the teeth, exploit others. ravage the planet, lie, cheat, and steal with absolutely no consequences for your actions, because your messiah died on the cross to wash your sins away. All you have to do is buy in to the story. It’s Cthulhu’s Wager, wearing sandals.

Do I have that wrong, preacher? I don’t think so.


I other words: “Anyone we cannot coerce with the threat of Excommunication (which works SO WELL in the Dark Ages) cannot be “trusted” to do exactly what we want done.”
You know, like the Opus Dei members on the Supreme Court.
Ah yes, that pesky “Reformation” and “Enlightenment” that we are still fighting against. Don’t they know we are GODS MESSENGERS and thus Infallible?
To which I say: “I will choose a path that’s clear. I will choose Free Will.”


Oh if only Hunter S Thompson was alive to give us Fear and Loathing on Fox News


Matthew 7:4 How can you say to your brother, ‘Let me take the speck out of your eye,’ when all the time there is a plank in your own eye?

Deal with the abuse scandal in your church and leave matters temporal to the experts.


Nice to see Fox move on from the standard fearmongering of Dems, Liberals, Feminists, Muslims, public school teachers, scientists, union members, immigrants, intellectuals, minorities, the ACLU, ACORN, vegans, environmentalists, PETA, community organizers, Hollywood and Gays. Atheists were starting to feel left out.


This man is so incoherent, I really don’t want to spend too much time commenting. Suffice it to say that the statement,

“I think they have to be very clear about the values that they believe in, not making stuff up in order to get votes”

pretty much eliminates all the Republican candidates.


A President Who Doesn’t Fear ‘Eternal Consequences’ Is Hard To Trust.

Rev Morris-- have you ever even met Barack Obama?
Thought not.

Thanks for playing.
Megyn’s PA will have your griftcheck at the Cashier’s window on your way out.



I miss the good Doctor…

You wouldn’t know what the Constitution stood for were it tattooed on your head.


Blue Boy. Acid head. Dragnet 1967.

Sez the 1%errapistvoter.




The hate is strong in this one.


Ah. More of the fright-wing ‘raping/ramming/jamming/shoving’ metaphors… Get some counseling…


Really? How would you know? The ignorance is strong in this one.

Well, there’s a difference between a president who fears eternal consequences and one who looks forward to his 72 virgins.

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Ethics or deity inspired morality?

I have to choose ethics.


How is Bush/Cheney+cabal looking forward to the angels and harps? How many dead, maimed, scarred?


There are so many things that could be said to this priest about his comments, but perhaps the most important thing is this: when we elect a President, we elect someone who will act on facts and with a cool head and strong conviction in what is necessary to resolve any situation. We do not need a president who needs a spiritual adviser to tell him what the condition of his soul is if he takes such a position, especially ones who ignore the teachings of Christ so thoroughly that they would throw this world into Armageddon and Apocalypse. Father, I would suggest that you allow our Presidents and our People the luxury (and today it is truly a luxury) of believing or not believing what they choose as the First Amendment allows, rather than continue to exert control over our government’s policies to detriment of so many. Using religious fear and damnation to coerce presidents is unacceptable in a country that was founded on the belief that church and state should be kept separate. Sometimes the concern you express, Father, about eternal consequences fails to consider the current consequences of a person’s action, especially a president’s, and the affect it has on so many people in this world and their lives and souls. A president who can think independently of any church adviser is far more likely to make the best decision in any given crisis than one who is more concerned about their eternal souls than real world consequences. And that, Father, is what president’s must do if they are to be effective, not get on their knees and pray for guidance.