Dems don’t get it. Chicks dig getting groped by strangers and colleagues if they are Republicans!
Fox News panelists are part of the problem. Fox News is most of the problem.
After being reminded by fellow host Kimberly Guilfoyle that sexual
harassment is a genuine issue, Campos-Duffy agreed, saying she wished Gillibrand would have shown similar outrage at the Clinton
administration’s treatment of Monica Lewinsky.
And the rest of us wish that Campos-Duffy would learn the difference between consensual sex and sexual harassment, because there IS A DIFFERENCE
No, Darlin’, you’re insistence on blaming the victim is part of the problem, not Gillibrand’s decision not to name names.
Well, sure. When I do it, it’s consensual.
She should name names? Be careful what you wish for.
This woman is full of crap.
When I lived in Washington, Congress was nicknamed P@@@y Hill. Interns were routinely groped on elevators. Ted Kennedy, God rest his soul, was pretty grabby before he met Victoria and stopped drinking.
This shtick about how “professional” Capitol Hill is - give me a break.
What is with the hyphenated name? Drop the Campos you femi-nazi!
“My Husband is a Congressman” so, how does that qualify you to comment on what happens in the SENATE chambers?
I wish these shameless masters of illogic were half as good at governing as they are at dreaming up bizarro-world bass-ackwards talking points.
During Wednesday’s “The O’Reilly Factor,” O’Reilly bashed Psaki and said she lacked the “gravitas” necessary for the position.
Former castmate on MTV’s “The Real World” Rachel Campos-Duffy said she agreed with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), who on Tuesday insisted Gillibrand should “name names” of anyone who harassed her. “Good for Ron Johnson. I think that she is part of the problem,” Campos-Duffy said.Well, surely no one can question the gravitas of a former cast member of MTV’s The Real World.
ShE was THIRTY and AND speCIAL COUnsel TO HUD secretaRY ANdrew CUomo. SHE had A PLAtform. SHE shOUld’ve PUBLicly DENounced CLInton!!1!11!!!one!!!1!1!!!
It’s the old “Bitch forced me to rape [and/or kill] her.” defense.
Nothing new here.
holding others to a higher standard than itself.
Yep. The problem with ISIS is the Yazidis.
well wouldn’t they be more mad if she had named names? can’t you hear the outcry? “how dare she” “innocent until proven guilty”
“throwing around accusations” etc. no matter the issue they are contrarian b/c they’re paid to be so. they have no real ideas, ethics, it’s all about the propaganda and paycheck.
The selection of panelists and their attire on Outnumbered has nothing to do with sex appeal either. Otherwise she’d be morally obligated to speak up about Fox exploiting her hosts as sex symbols … or else she’d be part of the problem.
Also seems a bit much to ask Gillibrand to get into a time machine, go back the late 90’s (when she was like 32), get elected almost 10 years ahead of schedule, and then show this missing outrage, but I guess anything is possible in The Real World, Republican hack edition.
Lewinsky came on to Clinton, it wasn’t harassment. Dumb ass.
My husband is a congressman, and I will tell you that he is very professional
Yeah, but whose profession?