“Oh , I meant the cooking school…”
This cult of personality ALL the MSM uses, expert this that the other is a waste of time. For me it just shows that they are not interested in investigative facts but easy sound bites they can get from the “talking head”… That includes all the retired military genus’s, LTC this, Col that…
LTC US Army (Retired)
He has quite past this Mr. Simmons
No that’s not it: they PAY Simmons all right, just on a standard appearance fee subject to adjustment for supposed expertise, availability, timeliness and of course plasticity. It’s the Fox News version of late night talk shows paying guests appearance fees.
So really it comes down to the nature of the contractual agreement: if you got your own newsertainment show, i.e. you’re a Bizarro Universe star, that’s major hirashi; if you’re a “paid consultant” or whatever, that just means you don’t have the ability to carry you’re own show as the major domo, but they got you under contract to show up and bullshit on demand. If you’re Simmons, someone on Team B, Cheney’s own shadow government network, many of whom continue to draw gummint paychex, some deeply embedded in State or wherever, they vouched for you, or Cheney got one of his puppets formerly a high mucky muck in the NSA or some such federal agency vouch for the guy.
Also, he is A Ninja. And, he killed A Al Queda and A Isis with his bare hands and a #2 pencil.
Yes, it goes something like this:
“Are you willing to say any batshit nonsense we want you to say?”
He was also known to make outlandish-sounding claims, like that there are “at least 19 paramilitary Muslim training facilities in the United States,”
So this is the guy who got that one started. And Fox is where it got started. I don’t know, call me naive, but I’m still capable of being shocked by how much you can be a bunch of absolutely reckless lying fuckweasels and still have the nerve to call yourself a news organization.
Citizen’s Commission on Benghazi.
This report reads in part:
Previous investigations have been ineffective as the cover-up of Benghazi
continues at all levels of government, prompting the need for a Select
Committee with the power of subpoena to investigate this tragedy and compel testimony under oath outside the five minute rule imposed on Congressional
members by the current investigative structure.
Bwahahaha. Moron.
there are “at least 19 paramilitary Muslim training facilities in the United States,”
This guy is feeding Trump supporters their lines.
How fucking stupid can a man be? He thought he could fabricate a 27 year association with the CIA and no one would catch on? He’s been playing game all over. Not just FOX, when I’m sure his ‘expertise’ was used to pitch GOP’er bull…but all over the internet.
Oh…it seems he was a part of the "citizens committee on Benghazi "…too.
Yeah their own bogus report. Notice he didnt post the Senate Select Committee on Benghazi that found no fault.
And he says he worked for the Bush White House. Figures.
Coulter is bat**it crazy…listen to her for 5 minutes and you get the instant diagnosis.
Faux news using faux commentators…duhhhhhh…
Too bad it wasn’t Ailes.
Same old story - if someone claims they’re ex-CIA or Special Forces, they’re probably lying.
And he begins blaming Obama for discrediting him in a “false-flag” operation in…4…3…2…
That part is true, sort of. He was Doug Feith’s favorite feltcher.
We report, you (morons) decide (if it has any validity, as if you’re capable of knowing).