Discussion for article #232258
You’ve already admitted you were in the wrong, so this means absolutely nothing. And, why does a FOX News Executive Vice President make this comment versus Hannity or Billo or one of the other FOX fools? I think it’s because they’re scared shitless.
If you want to see how Fox News actually MILKED this story for all the Islamophobic and American style xenophobic cream they could get out of it. Watch Sam Seder and The Young Turks put together a little video showing exactly what Fox News did over the last 2 weeks.
Her anger is “misplaced.” Incendiary word, that.
We know where he wants the anger directed.
These guys just never stop with the crap.
Indeed, it sounds to me as though the French were disregarded because the were “only” French. Typical FOX ignorance that came back to bite then in the ass.
By tomorrow morning’s Fox And Friends, this will be the meme about this issue:
It’s zee Media Liberale!
We’re Fox! We’re not to blame for ANYTHING! ANYTHING!
Fox est shitting son pantalon
My dear ByteMe, you haven’t been listening to Fox enough. Since Obama announced his run for the presidency in February, 2007, everything wrong with the world is Obama’s fault. And, remember, a majority of Republicans in Louisianna blame Obama for the slow response to Katrina in 2005! Rembmer, Obama was responsible for that, too. And and and… Benghazi!
It was well-intended bigotry… why can’t Mayor Hidalgo see that? lmao XD
Is it my imagination or does Pirro look like she just discovered she’d rented a house in Paris to muslims?
“I think we’ll have to go to court, in order to have these words removed.”
I’ll be the first one throwing a “yay, someone is suing Faux!!1” schadenfreudegasm, but seriously…is this not, yet again, a free speech in journalism issue? Granted, there are exceptions for slander and libel and what have you, and generally speaking the only defense is that it was true (which these things clearly weren’t), but I’m pretty sure we decided as a society long long ago that it’s perfectly ok for the MSM to deliberately and knowingly LIE their everloving fucking heads off, particularly conservative media…all while they have guests on to tee up the mendacity and do it for them so they can claim “all we did was allow a private citizen to voice his opinions.” Deliberate, knowing, willful lying in the MSM, lying in the “news,” and lying in political advertising: ALL PERFECTLY OK. That shit’s out of the dog folks…and you can’t put it back in.
Brass tacks: The suit would go nowhere and Faux would get to claim free speech hero status.
“Misplaced?” Seriously folks … “misplaced?” Maybe they can fill me in on just whom the Parisians should be upset with. Haven’t seen crap like Fox News spews forth on any other stations, news or media outlets.
5-to-1 odds Faux Not Really News isn’t aware of the standards for libel and slander suits in Europe. It will not be up to the Mayor to prove what Faux reported was slanderous or libelous, it will be up to Faux to prove that what they reported was true.
I think the Paris Mayor should sue Fox News. It would be a good thing, a very very good thing if Fox were humiliated for the continual BS they broadcast. I cannot count the many inaccuracies and bald faced lies they’ve gotten away with. I hope Fox is held to account for their outright falsehoods.
Under the Napoleonic code that forms much of French law one must prove one’s innocence. It’s opposite to our normal jurisprudence where one is assumed to be innocent.
And defense attorneys are much, much more constrained, especially in terms of cross-examination. I suspect the French will take a dim view of the “but we’re an entertainment network” defense - which raises the question of why they aren’t guilty of false advertising…
You let a well known islamophobe spout his hate-filled lies on the air and did NOTHING to question or hold him accountable for his remarks. It wasn’t until after Prime Minister David Cameron spoke out did you offer a weak, half-hearted, “oops, gee, my bad” apology.
French law allows them to sue. I hope they sue Fox into the ground.
The Paris mayor and anyone else in Europe has every right to be insulted by Fox News’ drivel. And Bobby Jindal has failed utterly in his quest to rebrand the GOP away from “the party of Stupid”.
Fox News is grotesquely audacious in telling someone else, an elected official, how they should “feel,” as though only Fox can determine what is “valid.” Just more of their usual BS.