Discussion: Fox News Panelist Defends Muslim Profiling With WWII Japanese Camps

Discussion for article #228028

Racist conservative touts racist views on a racist “news” channel. Next item, water is still wet.

In light of the recent hate crimes that we have seen, against Sikh Americans, Muslim Americans, and so many others, I strongly urge Bolling, Roger Ailes, and the Fox News Network to repudiate Hoenig’s assertions, and to apologize, not only to the Muslim American community, but to Japanese Americans, whose internment during World War II Hoenig explicitly endorsed.

Sorry Mr. Singh, but what you’re asking for would require a network, and it’s employees, to have integrity, which Fox doesn’t even know the definition of.


What might be even sadder, too many Americans who watched this all nodded their bobble heads in agreement.


Does he realize we can hear him?


That little fucker looks like the monkey from Word Girl


Except that Word Girl’s monkey had a more highly developed sense of morality.


Be prepared: as they get more and more desperate over their existential problem caused by demographic shifts, they WILL get more and more racist. Their “that’s it, I’ve had it” mentality will continue to grow and with it their attitude that they’re no longer going to “hold back” about what they really think and feel.

Unfortunately, we’re still in the “it’s going to get worse before it gets better” stage as a society on this issue.


The more bizarre part of the quote is this: “… we dropped nuclear bombs on residential city centers. So, yes, profiling would be at least a good start.” The implication is that every behavior up to and including nuclear bombs is a-okay, because WWII. Even those of us who accept the argument that far more Japanese would have been killed if those atom bombs hadn’t brought abrupt surrender might be at a loss to interpret his logic here. We should round up American Muslims, put them in the Nevada desert, and nuke them? That would sure do the Nazis one better!

We should profile to know where they are to round them up to take them to Burning Man … and then burn them, man! Absolute insanity. Also, the NSA already has all of us easily identifiable by every sort of affiliation we have, including congregational.


One wonders why we are repeatedly enraged by the content that comes out of Fox News. Why don’t we recognize it for what it really is, i.e. cancerous, and in need of eradication from any semblance of respectable journalism and news reporting.


He looks like ‘Copy #3’ if Ben Stiller did a remake of Multiplicity!



Sikh AmerICAns ARE MUSLIM. THey CArry KNives AND weaR tuRBINS!1!1!1!one!11!1!1!!!


It’s a combo slow-burn/scortched-earth policy-- over which ®s have ceded control of the accelerant.


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Good post. However, you made the simple mistake of trying to “interpret his logic.” These folks are not only racist and immoral, but they don’t even know how to make or support a logical argument about anything. Any reasonable individual’s response is either “What?” or “How offensive!”

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Remember Men in Black I? There was this guy who sold watches, maybe like a pawn shop, who could not fool Tommy Lee Jones who ripped his head off revealing a tiny-headed alien. This Hoenig is a spitting image of the alien’s little brother. Clever cover little CAPITALISTPIG.COM. “You can fool some of the people all of the time…” And Eric Bolling is what passes for success with Fox News.

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I do believe that Michelle Malkin used the same argument to push her into punditry via book “In Defense of Internment.”

She justified the incarceration of Japanese Americans during the WWII and advocated that the same should happened to Muslim Americans.

It did wonders for her career since she is of Philippino heritage and claims that she wasn’t Asian but “American.”

This commentator is over the top stupid, but let’s take it seriously for ONE second. If you start profiling and you STOP searching certain groups of people, like grandmothers over 50, then terrorists will find ways to use grandmothers over 50. It’s what their twisted minds do. So it’s a dumb idea in just about every way.

“Bolling let Hoenig express these hateful opinions unchecked, despite the fact that Japanese American Internment remains one of the most shameful periods in our nation’s history”

It is, and was, entirely LEGAL. So, our Constitutional Law Professor President will have no problem implementing more programs such as Executive Order 9066.

. . . . and we all know that Congress and the Courts would do absolutely nothing to stop him.

It is pretty silly and historically incorrect to accept "[quote=“whit, post:8, topic:10681”]
the argument that far more Japanese would have been killed if those atom bombs
[/quote] were not used.

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History can be so confusing to those who continue not to learn anything from it.


Soooo, the Thing that President Ronald Regan apologized for in 1988 and called “a mistake” and “wrong” we should do again? Whaaaaaat?