Discussion for article #232908
But unfortunately you did… that horse has done left the barn as they say.
FOX, impressed by the graphics in the most recent highly produced death tape, wants to hire that ISIL producer.
“[Fox News] are literally – literally – working for al-Qaida and Isis’ media arm,” expert Malcolm Nance said"
Of course they are; their corporate model demands that they keeptheir (over 65 , white and entitled) audience as fearful as necessary to control them…
Though this morning on Morning Joe: “We should’ve shown the immolation of the Jordanian pilot.”
Well, of course they’re not sorry because they imagine it’s Obama in that cage. Expect that to be a new meme, if it hasn’t already.
[quote]“It’s as if we’re in World War II, Howie, and there’s a chance to see
inside the concentration camp and inside the gas chamber as the horror
was happening,” she said.[/quote]
I’m struck by the comparison with WW2. In WW2 the Germans weren’t trying to get everyone to look at the concentration camps, gas chambers, etc. They were trying to deny the gas chambers even existed.
ISIS on the other hand is doing everything they can to spread the message.
False equivalency is false.
What Fox calls journalism we used to call “giving aid and comfort to the enemy.” They have posted snuff porn on their website because it will drive views. That is exactly what ISIS wanted. The Germans were ashamed of their death camps. They didn’t want anybody to know. ISIS wants everybody to watch. ISIS got its wish. Fox should be ashamed.
False equivalency is basically the crux of conservative argument these days.
To add, I don’t see how showing footage of concentration camps (if we had it and knew fully what the Nazi’s were up to) would have changed anything. We were already fully committed to destroying Hitler’s Third Reich as much as we’re fully committed to the destruction of ISIS and other terrorist organizations. We already know they behead and burn people alive, and we knew Hitler was evil. Fox News aired it for one reason only: ratings, and their own agenda. Whipping up perpetually outraged, racist geriatrics makes them money.
In general I think you should err on the side of publishing with a warning when a graphic image has news value. Kenneth Jarecke’s photo of the man burned alive trying to get out of an Iraqi truck actually does tell you something about just how bad war really is. But this is one of those rare cases where there’s no gray area. Everyone knows IS is run by psychopaths. No sane person thinks otherwise. To repeat myself, IS made the video so people would see it and be afraid. Because it was made for that purpose it should not be shown.
What disturbs me is that a lot of Americans seem oblivious to our own capacity to inflict pain, suffering and death on our fellows. We are not that far removed in time from the organized lynchings and torture of Black Americans for the most trivial of pretexts. Fox’s real shame lies in it’s inculcation of a false self-righteousness in its viewers that precludes them from self-examination over their own capacity, and that of our nation, to do harm to others.
American exceptionalism at its finest.
Exactly. ISIS isn’t a legitimate government that’s desperately trying to bury evidence of its crimes, the sort of situation where showing the video actually could have some practical use. They made that video with the express purpose of both spreading fear towards their enemies and sparking interest in psychopaths that want to get in on that action. By showing the video, Fox merely plays directly into their hands, a fact that Fox likely knows.
TPM showed the footage of the Hebdo gunmen killing a cop–a snuff movie that also lacked journalistic or moral justification.
I don’t think anybody should be showing any of these acts of terrorism, for the reasons people have been making up above - that they’re committed because terror groups know they’ll go viral. I don’t wholly disagree with your point, but by the time it was up on TPM, it had already been shown by multiple networks and was widely circulated. In large part because the gunmen were still at-large, and the video may have contained evidence of who the shooters were and may have ended up aiding efforts to contain them. In the case of the Jordanian pilot, nobody caught it on cell phone video or security cameras and the video contains nothing of value in terms of evidence that the public could use. It was manufactured for distribution specifically for reasons of shock and awe, and there’s been somewhat of an unwritten rule not to show it for that very reason. Fox News - a network with a known anti-Muslim, rage addicted audience and a very clear agenda - broke away and aired it in large part for their own propaganda (there was a vague dig at Obama when it was first aired). That’s the real difference here.
Or at least they have the same goals - domestic terrorism through fear-mongering and propaganda.
Did any news outlets besides Fox and Breitbart publish the video or images from it? This is a subject I don’t care to google. Just wondering what people had heard.
kurtz saying this is as helpful as the guy holding the seperated head saying “we might not shoulda cut this off.” f*&k the terrorists, over there and here in the media. fearmongerin’ bastards
Faux, intentionally effing up for profit. The fact that no one ever shows these types of images is all the guidance that they needed. They proceeded anyways.
Faux lies about Muslim communities and gets called idiots by foreign heads of state, then backpedals and apologizes and that was just a few weeks ago and they learned only the same lesson all over again, sensationalism sells and integrity is for actual news reporters, not them.
The French may have to bitch slap Faux again and stop eating Faux fries.