Fox Shrews having a tantrum .
Fox is escalating the rhetoric in the last couple of days. Watch the GOP work.
I do not bother watching most political things as they happen but from what I have heard after it sounded like he was fairly passionate about it. Not sure if they wanted him crying or what. Not to mention “care less” phrasing makes it that he does care…just saying.
The people at Fox are pretty crazy. If this were W or a GOP president they would be protecting him. Just like they did the last guy.
Yes, let’s listen to what some worthless talking head bimbo has to say!
Google Stacey Dash naked…
I seriously think that talking heads on Faux News get a boner every time they say something insane.
Yes, even Stacy Dash.
Sign up or shut up, I say.
I do wish Obama would casually drop the phrase “general mobilization,” if only to hear scores of bros shit a brick at the same moment.
If she thinks he doesn’t care about radical Islamic terrorism, she sure as hell wasn’t paying attention.
Faux News…always classy!
It must be the “Obama is a Weakling” week in the Fox Obama Derangement Syndrome Calendar.
Next week when he proposes something domestic they don’t like, it’ll switch over to “Obama is a Vicious Tyrant” mode.
Of course this idiot means “he couldn’t care less”! It’s the same mistake every stupid cooze makes.
OK my fellow Americans…from a speaker of English as a second language…its “he could NOT Care less”…or “he could NOT give a shit”… If you say “I could care less” it means you do care because to care less you must care to start.
Otherwise the rest of her remarks were tailor made for FOX viewers. She said the President of the USA doesn’t care about terrorism. Or she tried to say that. That’s how far it’s gone. I remember when the FOX crowd called any criticism of Bush “unpatriotic”. So elect Trump or Cruz and let 'em wreck the joint. Fuck it up good. Then lets see what they have to say.
The thoughts of reknowned public intellectual Stacy Dash on the issues of the day are always of great interest to thinking people.
When does cable go away? Inquiring minds want to know.
Beat me to it. Had it copied and ready to go….
The level of discourse in this country is a complete embarrassment.
I know it’s just rhetorical to say Stacy Dash is a know nothing bottomfeeder that couldn’t make it anywhere else but…OK…I’m good now. Far be it for the ‘pundits’ at FOX to ever say anything remotely intelligent or actually LOOK at a policy before blowing their bile but honest to GOD. Do they EVER ‘think’ what they look like to the rest of the world?
Let’s ask Usama bin Ladin how much of a shit President Obama cares about taking out terrorists.
Now kind go fuck yourself your ignorant twat.
Ummm…she was in Clueless! How does that not qualify her as a foreign policy expert? DUH!!!