Discussion: Fox News Fires Back Over Trump's Boycott Threat: Putin Doesn't Play Fair!

I’d be happy to do that for them.


Jeopardy answer: Fox and news organization.
Contestant: What entities are mutually exclusive, Alex?


If Russia, Iran, or North Korea don’t treat him fairly, Trump will do what any real man and real American would do. He’ll nuke them.


It is going to get better and better and more better until the nominee is selected. And then more better mostest better to see these right wing TV and Radio having to change their whole identity. Are they going just roll over for these two misfits?

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This is all pre-planned bullshit, used to entice ratings. They both know their audience. I will almost guarantee that tRump will be there and Faux will miraculously “come to an understanding” at the last minute with him. I feel like I’ve already seen this one-act play before, and its getting fucking tiresome. Ailes will come out at the last minute to announce everything has been worked out. Just watch. I mean that literally…They all want you to just tune in and watch.

I’m really sick of this juvenile shit.


If Fox hadn’t thought of it, Trump’s team would have given them that line. Both sides smiling. Donald has established in everyone’s mind that he will not get a fair shake.

Aha! Fearless Leader doesn’t shoot Megyn, he shoots the debate. Fatal stroke boomerang, at 11…

Posted in the wrong place earlier. MSNBC has reported that Trump will not be in Fox debate. They hurt his feewings.

I feel cheap repeating the same joke…but oh well.

A debate minus Trump could be excellent for the other candidates. They’d have a chance to talk about stuff that isn’t on T’s H-U-G-E list. OMG, content? Naw.


He would never call on her.

The picture reminds me of the term “teabagger”!

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It’s about time FNC called out their boy on his behavior. He’s exposing the GOP for the children they are.

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Call me cynical, but this almost seems like a ploy to get more viewers to watch the debate, and we all know Trump will participate. It is like a WWE match where the participants smack talk before the match. This is getting old. I won’t be watching. If the debate was about actual real policies that matter to everyday American lives I would watch it. But it will be same old saber rattling about carpet bombing and chest thumping.


So Cruz just challenged Trump to go one on one via Mark Levin which just proves this thing is Trumps to lose.

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Like albesure says, latest reports are his people say he definitely won’t do the debate. Maybe he actually won’t. That would be interesting, to say the least, with Iowa coming up. Lots of ink about him without actually having to be in a debate and run the risk of embarrassing himself badly at any moment. On the other hand, it could be a black eye, he might look to the unbesotted as the WATB he is, and he could realize that, in which case he bullshits his way back to being in. It’s pretty much unprecedented that a person doesn’t step up and debate unless you’re Rand Paul. The other candidates would have a ball saying what a wiener he is. FOX has called his bluff.



FOX is going to have to swallow their pride when Trump gets the GOP nom and they have to start claiming he’s the only thing that will save us from Hillary.


Sounds like the whole thing was scripted by Linda McMahon (R-CT) and her husband Vince, of WWE.

It’s a typical wrestling feud, with the heel and the blond bombshell. I guess the only way to settle matters is a Mongolian Cage Match, best two out of three falls, Thursday night in the (your town here) Civic Auditorium.

Plenty of tickets still available!!!


I’m with stupid.


It’s Fox’s way of saying “neener neener” (or fuck you trump) w/o getting sued.


That’s pretty much what they just did! For once Fox nailed it, and did so with appropriate humor.