Everyone knows that Fox is a propaganda outfit…so why try to change that??? Don’t go on the show if you know you will be censored, and castigated by paid liars…
This perfectly encapsulates the pathetic state of what passes for scientific debate on the wing nut right. Either you accept their nonsensical theories, or you are subject to personal attacks. They use obfuscation as a substitute for an honest exchange of testable ideas.
My favorite part: having the word “Scientific” in quotes. As if its, somehow, not real science. Nice.
That’s exactly what i thought. Plus, the name-calling directed toward the editor when they are exposed? Talk about classy. As classy as you would expect from that “news” outfit.
Who cares what these willfully ignorant idiots think about climate change? They are in no position to criticize anyone.
I hope all the hosts that work at Fox News realize that once they made the decision to sacrifice their integrity for the job, can’t get that integrity back, its gone for good.
I truly believe the media needs to outline the parameters of discussion that were decided on before they start an interview with someone. this will allow the watching consumer to understand why only softball questions are asked
Fox = proven liars. Doesn’t matter what they call you, it’s a lie.
Ah yes. Confirmation of the Republican Party motto: Pride in Ignorance
I’d like Brian Kilmeade to call me a coward to my face someday.
I noticed, in the clip, that the lying doofus on the left paused when saying the word “scientific” in “scientific american”, naming the magazine, just as you say, as if the word ‘scientific’ was making up something. I see a new conservative word meme, like “democrat party” a few years ago.
Could Moyer file a defamation suit against Fox over this?
What a despicable network cable news channel. Going after someone’s family for saying the truth and being called out as a coward because you disagree with them is beyond what this society should tolerate. This man is an average citizen and a giant conglomerate is bullying him. Murdoch must be really proud of his news show. NOT!
Wait, What? Steve Doocey just used the word “Classy” and didn’t spell it with a “K”?
Color me surprised.
And they can’t figure out why he doesn’t want a return ‘visit’???
Note to Brian Kilmeade: Urinal cakes in the FOX mensrooms need changing.
How is Brian Kilmeade sentient?
So, are these three speaking their own thoughts, or did their producers put the words in their mouths?
The comments people are living on his twitter are hilarious. One person say they won’t be reading his magazine anymore with about fifteen typos. I’m going to go out on a limb here and assume that person never read Scientific American.
Are there any adults in the room at Fox?
FOX News branding irons could be a real cash cow for their online gift shoppe…