Discussion: Fox News: Attorney General Holder 'Incites' Violence Against Police Officers

Just go ahead and say it, FOX - “It was probably Obama and Holder on that hill, and they fired their guns at the police officers.”


I am always amazed when I find the willfully ignorant walking among us. I wonder aloud, “How did they make it out of the water closet?”


“He chose to grandstand,” she said. “And now, fuel on the fire: Less than a week later, we are seeing the dots connecting here.”

Weird, on Fox we never, ever see the dots connected to organizations like the NRA when shootings occur.


Why do we install terrorists in ivory towers and let the mentally insane weasel, roger ailes run the show. It is sick.

It is pretty reliable to look at the pointing finger and see where blame actually lies.

OT but who gives a shit. Its just another Faux News story about faux news.

Say goodbye to winter for real this time!!! (Last year’s view of Lk. MI, but very similar to this years).

We have no evidence yet as to just who is responsible for the shooting, let alone what the motive was, but Fox already knows that it is Eric Holder’s fault.

First they draw their own dots, then they connect them and claim to have uncovered some hidden truth.


I guess cable news ratings go up if we have a race war. That means the Fox and Friends team has more to gain from shooting cops than Eric Holder.

Why is Holder still AG anyway?

Because the Republicans in the Senate have yet to hold a confirmation vote on Loretta Lynch as his replacement. Since they claim to hate Holder so much, you’d have thought that would have been their first order of business.


Boy, it’s a good thing TPM has never blamed a right-wing political figure for inciting violence or else you guys would all look like hypocrites.

If only Faux News held themselves to the high standards of this illustrious publication.

Standard FOX tactic.

“He chose to grandstand,” she said. “And now, fuel on the fire: Less than a week later, we are seeing the dots connecting here.”

I have a strong suspicion that, once arrests are made, she’s going to have to eat these words.

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Sister Sarah was doing something that certainly did appear to be inciting violence. Fox on the other hand, makes allegations without the benefit of facts. You might not believe this, but there is a difference.

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Nor does Fox ever, ever point the finger back at themselves or other right wing radio/tv/print purveyors of intolerance, hate and anti-government idiocy, when white guys shoot up schools, abortion providers, cops, or have armed standoffs with the feds at Bundy’s Nevada ranch.



You’re right, I don’t believe there’s a difference, and you certainly haven’t managed to demonstrate one.

Amazing; even after the facts are in (and in contradiction with your deranged assertions), you still blame conservatives. And yet you get upset at Fox for pointing out that Holder is stoking resentment against Ferguson’s police department? That’s quite a double standard.

Blame conservatives for what?

I just insist that if you are going to make a charge, you at least share some real facts to back it up. No, allegations on hate radio and Fox News don’t count.

If you can demonstrate that Eric Holder deliberately provoked the shootings I demand you to take a few seconds to explain how and why. What would be his motivation anyway? Just connect the dots.

Can you demonstrate that Sarah Palin deliberately provoked the shooting of Gabrielle Giffords?

Yes, Holder obviously meant that he would solve the problem by killing all the Ferguson police officers.

Of course, the exposed racism, extortion, brutality, targeting of blacks, and police oppression had nothing to do with all the rage coming to the surface. Dismantle the whole department, elected positions, bring in federal oversight and build an anti-discrimatory government. This entire city’s government is a disgrace to our country, and likely not the only one by any means. Stop calling evidence of racism an isolated incident and call it what it is; an epidemic in the South and pockets in other parts of the country. There has always been racism, but since Obama was elected it’s as if it has given license to the GOP to make it worse at every opportunity.