And when I say “Fuck off and die” it’s just a catchier way of my saying “I hope you suffer extreme humiliation, ridicule and unbearable pain…and then you pass away in agony.”
He’s trying to give Trump’s base a “hand job.”
No worries Greg. You do spin. We’ll do diligence.
Collusion is just a boring way of taking about treason.
Obstruction of justice is just a tedious way of talking about impeachment.
Star Wars? Hilarious. Trump is a low budget pilot destined for the trash bin.
Mr Orwell’s tome should be mandatory reading for all Faux viewers.
Prescient to a degree we never could have imagined upon it’s release. I re-read it a few years back .
Time to do it again
You’ve been had. Admit it. Sucker. Chump. Loser.
Saying “repeal the ACA” is just a catchier way of saying “great health care in a much simplified form. Much less expensive and much better… lower numbers, much lower deductibles.” But that’s just the President’s “sense of humor.” The President’s comedy should be refreshing to all the “sick” people in the country who cannot afford health care.
I think of Greg Greg Gutfeld and some of the other douche bros at Fox as the TV version of Martin Shkreli.
“Fox Host: Trump Wall Is Just ‘A Catchier Way’ Of Talking About Border Security.”
Trump: All sizzle, no steak. Bigly.
Not unbelievable at all. Trump’s gap-toothed, meth-addled, sister-banging, web-toed hillbilly base will believe anything that he, or the Baby Jeebus, tells them.
And “Fox Host” is just a catchier way of saying “fucking moron.”
“Remodel the damn sample fence!”
Oy…Gutfeld…another of Dunning-Kruger’s little gremlins…dude is so stupid it hurts my head.
Another Trump chump!
He said Trump negotiated with Democrats to fund “the wall, which is to say border security,”
“We always want border stuff, so that’s not a problem,” Pelosi told reporters at the Capitol. She reiterated that Trump told her and others at a White House meeting last week that he would sign legislation to help those commonly referred to as “Dreamers” if it arrived on his desk, adding, “He said, ‘I want some border security.’”
“We’ve been very clear. There is no wall in our DACA future,” Pelosi added.
and called the President’s demands for a literal, physical border “his blunt way of raising the issue.”
“There are plenty of ideas I had that the president didn’t accept, and the concept of the wall would only have worked with Donald Trump. I’m not looking for credit though. It was the right time, it was the right place. Just like his election,” he told TheWrap.
We asked Nunberg what specifically inspired the Wall concept — “Game of Thrones”? The Great Wall of China? — but he said it was nothing specific. “It was a fun concept,” he said, noting that he and Stone first made the pitch back in the summer of 2014. “It was a simple policy point. It’s not esoteric. It goes with the Trump brand — builder. Nobody builds like Trump. It’s marketable.”
- A nation without borders is not a nation. There must be a wall across the southern border.
Though they might have removed it from the campaign website earlier, the info on how Trump was going to pay for the wall was on the website, until he did that Gettysburg ‘drain the swamp’ speech.
People actually pay this person to appear on TV. People presumably watch him on TV. How odd is that?
Bullshit mountain continues it’s unabashed pandering…
It should be mandatory for all of us. Single most important book of the twentieth century. That one man, writing that book in the very shadow of his own death (which, granted, I don’t think he saw coming), saved the world from what, I think, otherwise have been a slow descent into tyranny. He gave us the eyes and a vocabulary that enabled us to see totalitarianism as it was happening, identify its tools, it’s purposes, and the nihilism at its core that rendered the trappings of ideology irrelevant.
But I don’t know if he could have imagined a world where a significant number of people voluntarily thought and acted as thought it would take an omniscient totalitarian police state to force them to do. [I don’t think he would have been surprised][1,]* however.
There is no use in multiplying examples. The point is that we are all capable of believing things which we know to be untrue, and then, when we are finally proved wrong, impudently twisting the facts so as to show that we were right. Intellectually, it is possible to carry on this process for an indefinite time: the only check on it is that sooner or later a false belief bumps up against solid reality, usually on a battlefield.
“He’s like the ‘Star Wars’ franchise,” Gutfeld said. “Sure there are movies within it that you love, but then there are ones that you don’t. But on the whole, the series of films leaves you with a pretty good feeling.”
WTF??? Is this guy really representative of T rump’s base? Is he demonstrating the intellect of the FAUX News empire? This comment simply cannot be real! I suppose we should be thankful that the T rump Presidency isn’t being directed by Quinton Tarantino. MY GOD that guy is stupid!
I think a more appropriate analogy would be the Freddy Krueger franchise.