Discussion: Fox Host Slams Hillary Clinton For Tweeting About Vaccines, Not ISIS

Stupidity is an unabashed badge of honor on the right.


For realz. The Real World and Survivor are like the KY and AstroGlide of Amurikan society’s decay. Conservatism, of course, is the dildo…plutocracy the the one-size-fits-all gimp suit…and rising wealth inequality the ball-gag and fuzzy handcuffs.

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Ah, the old Fox News tactic of pretending that trivial shit they come up with at random should be a source of total outrage.


Vaccine preventable diseases kill orders of magnitude more Americans each year than every Islamic terrorist combined, ever. Secretary Clinton’s tweeting frequency is perfectly appropriate, even in Ass Backward Land where people think it makes sense to infer some nonsense from a Twitter feed.


I dunno…how many? Is that like a “screw in the lightbulb” joke setup?


Yes. The answer is two. One to bring the herp, and the second to bring the derp.


Hilarious! I bet that poor, unfortunate baby is only six months old.

This is a fairly regular occurance over at Fox. Someone, always a Democrat, speaks or tweets about one topic, and the right wing bitches and complains that they didn’t talk or tweet about another topic, even though that person may have previously discussed or tweeted about that very same topic. I’ve always found it pretty bizarre.

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And they don’t in Boston because they don’t give a shit.


"Earlier in the segment, Campos-Duffy expressed concerns about the timing of vaccinations.
“I had a baby nine or 10 months ago, and I didn’t want to give her shots as soon as she was born,” she said. "

This demonstrates this woman’s IGNORANCE about vaccination. For example, the time to give the MMR primary vaccination is at 12 to 15 months of age and then follow with a second vaccination several months to a year later.
You don’t vaccinate a baby “as soon as she was born”. You have to give the immune system time to develop. See, it’s basic biology but that’s well over this person’s ability to understand.
Sometimes I wonder how we survive as a species.


No baby gets shots as soon as they are born you moron


If it ain’t on twitter, it ain’t important don’t ya know!

Or I should have said:
f t nt b Tt f nt impo dyn!

Willful ignorance and willful stupidity really annoy me. There’s not reason for it. People should rightly be embarrassed when they venture into that territory. but some take it as a badge of honor. ((shakes head))


LOL…I should’ve seen that coming…

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Rachel Campos-Duffy + Sean Duffy: Dumb and Dumber

A couple of real Duffers

That depends on…er…no, I can’t say that–even on this comment section.

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Hillary also didn’t do ISIL’s propaganda work for them either, that lazy…wait a minute

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She has 7 kids. Enough to start her own epidemic.

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Yeah, except many newborns do get a HepB vaccine. Including mine.


Wait - WHAT?

We have a vaccine for ISIL??